3.12 Miles today - 5K Saturday May 14th!
Walk to Track .5 Miles
Official Workout begin:
Warm up walk 4:00
Run 4:00 Walk 3:00
Run 5:00 Walk 3:00
Run 6:00
Cool Down Walk 5:00
30 minutes 2.12 miles.
Running 1.25 miles
Walking .87 miles
Official Workout end:
Run 2 sets of Bleachers
Walk Home .5 Miles
Total 3.12 Miles
Out barefooted checking my drain pipes and I slightly kicked the corner of a piece of corrugated sheet metal skirting which is laying on the ground so as to access under the trailer. Sliced the ball of my foot open slightly but significantly. I cleaned it with iodine and filled the bleeding wound with iodine.
Tomorrow is a rest day, then run Tues, Thursday and 5K on Saturday. Aye aye aye man, not good. Sucker better heal fast.