Well, another beautiful morning for a run and no work until the afternoon - perfect! I set out all vim and vigour and found the first 3 minute stretch pretty comfortable. I was conscious to be super steady and had a 'slow down' mantra on loop. I couldn't believe it when LL (lovely Laura) piped up to say we were half way through! I turned tail thinking it would be sensible as I wasn't running a loop route. On I went feeling great, then the last 3 minutes approached.. and there loomed a knee trembling hill. Ugggghhhhhhh. At points I was sure I would be making better progress if I just slowed to a walk, but I didn't stop. I managed to make it to the top of the hill and had a lovely moment stretching my legs on the way back down. As LL congratulated me on finishing I thought I'd spite that nasty hill and carry on running for another 20 seconds.. yes, I'm that petty
It was a great run, but it did test me on that last stretch. So now I'm really excited for R2 so I can pick my route better and see how that last 3 minute challenge is on a slightly flatter bit of ground!
Ooh and I finished up with some stretches following lots of good advice on my last post and touch wood, no twinges at all. You clever lot, you!
Hope you're all having a good day!