So that happened :-). 5K in 39 minutes.
I didn't set out to run a 5K, in fact the beginning of the run was pretty awful - thumping along like an uncoordinated baboon, but after 20 minutes or so I thought 'hey, this is actually pretty easy going' and I just decided to keep running.
I am so chuffed though - I promised myself awhile ago that I would get fitter and run a 5K before I turned 41 (which is, as you all know, when you stop being an 'old young person' and start becoming a 'young old person' :-)).
So yeah, that birthday present to myself was better than any gadget!
Interesting, the only other run which had a similar experience (in terms of ease) was an evening run - this run was in the cold and drizzle/rain. I have never liked the heat - I am becoming convinced I should run in the (cooler) evening than my usual 3.00pm ...