I finished WK9R3 this evening. It was dark, it was cold, and it probably wasn’t pretty, but it was great! As a 48 old, ex-smoker, who hasn’t run further than the bus stop in about 30 years I have to say I’m pretty pleased with myself.
What’s next?
I’ve been running around 4.7 km in week 9 so I guess I’ll push on for an extra couple of minutes and do a 5k for my first post-grad run. After that I’m not going to bother about speed or distance for a while. I’ll experiment with routes, apps, podcasts, and types of music and just enjoy my new found ability to run for 30 minutes without dying.
I’ve read quite a few posts over the last few weeks. What a fantastic community! Your words of wisdom and brilliant positivity have been an inspiration. Thank you, and good luck to everyone in their running journey.