Well, I finished week one, but I don't feel ready for week two. I did most of the workouts in pieces, and it took me so long to complete the first week I feel like I have to do it over, and do it right. I'm not sure if it's because I'm scared to run for 1 1/2 minutes or because I just have a need to do the first week perfectly. I can be a bit type A. Thoughts?
Debating repeating a week?: Well, I finished... - Couch to 5K
Debating repeating a week?

You should do whatever feels right for you. Lots of us repeat runs and whole weeks if we can't complete them or if we just don't feel ready to move on. Personally, I think you're ready to move on when you've managed 3 runs exactly as Laura directs, regardless of how slow you are. Good luck

.. Yup, I'd do week 1 again .. & again .. until you just can't wait to start week 2
I've lost count of how many times I've repeated weeks. There is no rush, you must do what feels right for you
Imma go the other way on this: if you were physically unable to complete a run or a week, then by all means repeat it until you do, but otherwise, FTDP. Follow The Damn Plan.
90 seconds is not going to be any shorter in a week's time. Your runs are never going to be perfect. Once you have completed a run, move on to the next one. Repeat until finished.
Thanks for your insight! It's basically a toss up at this point. One of the main reasons I was leaning towards doing it again was because I didn't finish the entire workout in one try most of the time, and I feel like I'll never get out of that routine if I move on to the more difficult weeks without being able to do week one in one try.....lol I'm usually very decisive but I guess not today!
Hi I'm new at this running thing. I'm only on W1R2. I'm not sure I'm doing it right either. I find I know my body better than anyone else n when it tells me physically, not mentally that I'm pushing too hard, I need to listen. But this sounds like you're dealing with a mental thing. You finished week one and that's awesome! Congrats! It's not about perfect, it's about not giving up! In the end you have to feel good about what you are doing. Challenge yourself. You can accomplish more than you THINK!

Reading your other posts again, it sounds as if your head is all over the place at the moment.
Otherwise, I'd agree with Rignold - if someone has walked (however slowly) when Laura says walk, and maintained a running motion (again, however slowly) when Laura says run, right to the end of that podcast session, that's completed, and, for most podcast sessions, when you have done that session three times with a day of not running between each session, you move on to the next week. Your mind is not a useful guide to readiness!
*However*, it sounds as though that's not quite what has happened. On at least one occasion you stopped due to stitch, and then did the 'rest' of the session in another outing altogether... as you say 'in bits'. All useful stuff for fitness but yes, you are still on Week 1 (not 'repeating' it) until you've done the session in full in one outing 3 times (maybe you only need to do it once more, if it was only that one time you split it up)
I've probably said this to you already but I struggled with Week 1 (also genuinely compromising health issues) I found that a useful strategy was to walk the rest of the session as soon as I found I couldn't run any more - not mess about stopping for a breather or walking and then picking up a run again. I then had a clear marker for how much of the session I had completed and it really helped to keep me motivated (took some 12-18 attempts and over 6 weeks... was much easier after that!)

Two days ago I could not complete this one I describe below - not even close. I decided not to advance to the next one until I successfully complete the one I am on. I am trying to get in shape, not win a competition. Today it seemed to be over sooner than expected. I completed it perfectly.
Today I did 3.14 miles
Walk to track .5 miles
Warm up 5:00
(Jog 1:30 Walk 1:30)x2
(Jog 2:00 Walk 2:00)x3
Jog 2:00 Walk 1:00
Cool down 4:00
Work out miles 2.14
Min/mi 14.02
Walk home .5 miles
Total 3.14 miles
Thanks to Christ who strengthens me.
I came to this wonderful community after I had already started a different free 5K app. If it makes sense, I'll start the C25K after I complete the other 5K Training App. So, I give the same encouragement I have received, slow and steady. The big deal is that you're doing it. Perseverance is your friend.
5k April 30

I've always thought that after finishing a week but have ended up going on to the next week and honestly it isn't as bad as it seems. The biggest hurdle is in your mind you can do it. All the best 😀
I repeated weeks 1 and 2 and maybe even 3 can't remember. The program tells you to take it at your pace and 9 weeks was not achievable for me. I'm on week 9 now (started in Jan). I have had to repeat "failed" runs once or twice too just so that I know I have completed a full week, the way it's laid out. A lot of it has been about the psychology for me i.e. getting past my mental barriers and telling myself I can do it. The app seems to build this in and has really helped me. There's recognition in the program that you will have times where you think you can't possibly ever run for 30 minutes..but you can. You'll get there best wishes!