Oh yes, it was tough in places, but overall I think I can immodestly say that I smashed that run! And by smashed I mean I jogged incredibly slowly and managed not to pass out. Hooray!
After a hilarious and stupid incident of jarring my ankle whilst showing off new trainers, I was pretty cautious. The ankle (avec ankle support) was absolutely fine, the only noticeable feeling was tightness between my lower shin and top of foot. It definitely wasn't the shin ache I was getting early in W1, it just felt super tight. It eased towards the end and I have no pain now so fingers crossed it's just a passing thing. I consciously ran slower and lighter so I think that's all I can realistically do..?
I'm well impressed with my new kicks, so impressed that I took a picture to share with bored friends, family and you lovely people! It certainly felt like they made a difference, nice and springy and wonderfully garish
Hope you guys all had a great day, running or not.. roll on Thursday for W2R2!