I finished the run today. Post-run amnesia has me thinking it was great, but it was definitely hard. I'm glad I ditched the podcasts though (sorry, Laura!). I found it daunting to have Laura tell me I'd run for only 5 or 10 minutes during these longer runs, and know I had so much more to go. The change of music is refreshing. I will, sadly, graduate without Julie.
W8R2: I finished the run today. Post-run amnesia... - Couch to 5K

Well done Shivani.
I know what you're saying about ditching Laura, I haven't missed her at all since I graduated 😀

Well done - within touching distance of graduation now!
Wow not long to go till graduation well done you x

No sadness in 'missing Julie' , as for me.. I found the ' 5 minute warning' parts quite useful.. breaking a longer task down into smaller ones often makes it more ' achievable' (to me) but we are all different... and whatever works for you best works.. you are so close you can almost touch it now.. well done keep up the good work..

Hi Shivani,
Good to see you. I agree, it's so much easier with your own music. Laura and Julie were only ever temporary friends, hopefully, the running is for life.

Post run amnesia.. Ooh I have this also.. he he. I've always ran with my own music.. while following the program.. WTG. Well you are doing brilliantly and you have kept me motivated.. is that just 4 runs till you graduate now? Time has sure flown by... amazing how long we can run for now.. just look forward to the days it just may be a bit easier x

Get there any way that suits you. You're doing great . Hey look: finish line in sight!
Well done Shivani 4 runs left ,you are doing just great , keep at it

Well done! I ditched Laura for my final two runs, I just didn't feel I needed her once I'd heard week 9 once. I've even done a 'naked' run and it was surprisingly refreshing

Well done Shivani , almost there ! xxx

You can graduate without Julie but then you will be loosing out in terms of psychological endurance. XD
Quite honestly, if you can endure two weeks of that stuff, you are unlikely to "hit the wall" for the rest of your running career.