Did run 1 of week 2 today - wow hard work and so much tougher than week 1. 90 seconds seemed forever and I was swearing at Laura to let me walk again! Am going really slowly but soooooo out of breath!
Week 2 started ...but it's hard!!!!: Did run... - Couch to 5K
Week 2 started ...but it's hard!!!!

Well done
I've spent a few occasions getting Laura told!
50% longer run in one go, that's why it seems hard. Your body is making great changes at this stage too so it is hard going xx
Just remember 'slow' is your friend! Set a pace that lets you finish all sections even if it seems slower than walking.
Keep going
Thank you! I did finish it -just!!!!

Go you...Slow and really steady.. that is exactly the way to to do it!
(PS..Laura never listens to you.. )

Speed doesn't matter, its just getting through that counts
Don't be hard on yourself, just think how good it feels to be doing this ... it will all come together. Keep us posted, we're all here to cheer you on

Well done for achieving that.....keep going nice and slow, it will get easier (promise!).
Feeling better about tomorrow's run now folks. Slow it is!!!

I know, how can 90 seconds go on for so long?! Everytime you run and rest you've become just that bit stronger. You're working a lot of muscles, including your heart and they are all getting stronger. So it is going to get easier. When you get to w5, you'll have made huge progress. If you went back then and re-ran w2 r1, it would be so easy for you. The progress we make in just a few weeks is amazing really and we make this progress even if we drag ourselves puffing and panting through a run with pain in the shins. It all gets easier and it all comes together. Just hang in there. You can do it.
I will hold you to that. !
Did week 2 run 2 this morning - a lot better than run 1., tried to slow down even further and watch my breathing. Thanks for all your support folks. I'm not giving up!
Right! No giving up! We are going to run this week 2 into the ground!
I'm finding I have a sort of an internal pace. Very much enjoying it.