Wow, I was so happy after W1R1. I had such a big sense of accomplishment after months of delaying (due to fear and excuses) the start of this programe. It was great to feel accompanied by Laura and to know I only had to run for 1min at a time. Hey, I could do this! The flowers looked lovely in the park, I loved the cold on my face and I felt alive. These sensations were amazing! I found the music kinda funny so had to almost concentrate more on not laughing than my running. It was great.... And then the next days the achy legs started. But that was ok and I still looked forward to R2. How different that was to R1 though. The backs of my legs were tight, my breathing was laboured and it put me in a funk. The flowers were no longer looking lovely, and I felt clunky and far from happy. I was surprised how both my physical and mental capacity affected each other. Admittedly I did feel pleased that I finished but started to doubt my ability. After R3 I still have doubt (big doubts in fact) that I'll ever crack this running lark (I have tried in the past but without this C25K plan, which I think is just brilliant right now). But I'm determined to stick at it - and then I'll know for sure if my body/mind isn't meant for running... and I should take up swimming...or golf!
Yah, W1 done - but feel like my body's just no... - Couch to 5K
Yah, W1 done - but feel like my body's just not designed to run!

I graduated 23 weeks ago, and I am in love with running and ran 10k on Wednesday, that is over an hour non stop running. I am not saying that to show off, but I remember struggling to run for 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 and 8! I literally crawled round so slowly I said I might even be going backwards! I am 52 and still a little overweight and thanks to the C25K programme, I am a runner. I felt as you do, when I ran my brain told me to stop, asked me why I am doing this but I just kept doing the runs every week.
Run nice and slowly, relax and breathe slowly and deeply and just plod until Laura tells you to stop, she has moved hundreds of us non runners and made us real runners. Julie
I agree with all of that, and would add those gremlins don't go away. I've been doing a lot of intervals, and done a couple of 10 milers, and my running has taken a bit of a nose dive. Did 10k a couple of weeks ago 1km at a time with a wee walk break in between. This week I decided enough was enough and the walk break things has to change. So did 2 30 mins runs continuously with no problems ('d been taking breaks at halfway). No problem, so these "let's just walk for a minute" are just gremlins beating me ! Did my 10k this week with no breaks at all, not even at halfway. Again, no problem. I need to put a bit more effort into ignoring the gremlins. I won't abandon walk breaks completely but will definately abandon them on some runs just to prove a point !
It has become my habit since doing C25K and dropping the walk breaks that I run and never walk unless I need to get through a gate or cross a busy road)! I have my own plodding speed but I made my mind up walking is not allowed. Glad I did because it sounds like it can creep into your brain! Well done for defeating the gremlins LOL

Hi cushion, well done on completing Week 1. Sorry to hear your legs are aching so much afterwards. Are you drinking plenty of water post run, your muscles will need it , are you doing some leg stretches when you finish, while you are still warm. Thirdly are you running too fast... just a very gentle jog is needed as you get used to running
(this is running for pleasure, not for a bus!) take it slowly and steady and you will be able to progress im sure.
Good luck with Week 2. It sounds like you are up for it.

Well done on what you've done so far, it does get better. In 9 weeks or so time, go back to week 1 run 1, you'll find it much easier !!

Well done you, and not so good with the aching legs. But you will get there, honest you will. As others have said, real slow jog and lots of water when you've done your run. I've been trying for quite a while now and managed to run for 28 minutes last August. But due to a pulled muscle, and not getting back out there before now, I'm at it again but at w4. I really don't like running much at all , but the feeling you get when you've done a run is brilliant! Worth every step of the way just to feel fab, oh and the weight loss is also brilliant! Good luck 😊
Running is probably 50 % mental and physical , you are really challenging yourself and onky running against you .
I have been running for only a year + but have been up down and all around , would I change any of it? no , do love running? too right ..
Starting c25k is a huge step along the way , the program works but it Does require an investment from you ..
The early weeks can be very challenging as a new runner but that is all part of it , does it get easier ? Some days but those days far out weigh the not so good days by a mile .
Stick at it, trust the program and more importantly believe in yourself

I think we all experienced that self-doubt, who do we think we are kidding state of mind. I had real trouble with co-ordination (still do!) and I felt very uncomfortable. Hard to describe it really but my runs often didn't come together and it all felt very stilted.
It did eventually come together though, and blimey when you hit your stride for the first time it's an emotional moment. You have a stupid grin on your face a mile wide. Just keep plugging away. Slow but sure and you'll crack it. It's like anything else, it takes practice.
Just set out to enjoy yourself. Have fun!

Keep at it Cushion, you can do it !
Have you read Island Runners Runniversary post ? Very inspirational !
We all felt the same when we started, but keep plugging away, the benefits are immense !
Good Luck and keep going ! xxx

I was exactly like u 4 weeks ago. Have stuck near enough to the plan & even pushed a little more on occasions. I can now do 16 mins in one go. I honestly was close to exploding after that first time. Purple, couldn't breathe.... Stick with it