So I have completed run 2 of week 5 today and I found it very hard, it was only my music that got me through, I am very overweight and in all honesty suprised myself that I have got this far and that I have enjoyed it so much, I found the last 8 minutes very tough today, I just do not know how physically I will be able to keep going for 20 minutes but people keep telling me it is more a mental challenge than a physical one. I can't go much slower than I already do or I will stop ! I have not sorted my breathing out so forget to breath properly then try and concentrate on it, but I am feeling quite worried.
Week 5 run 2 done, letting my head scare me of... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 2 done, letting my head scare me of run 3!

Don't worry! You have got this far ☺ Going slow is best so keep plugging away, breathe naturally and enjoy yourself ☺
Don't let your head stop you , you have done so well
going slow is the right way , give it a go , as for the breathing let it happen naturally don't worry about it

You are doing amazing. I was in the same place as you are now, last week. You can do this. If I can so can you.

Thanks everyone, I worry about my breathing as I can't do the in for 2 out for 2 that everyone talks about so sort of forget then when I think about it I get all stressed with myself for not doing it right! I'm going to go out and give it my best shot, hell this time 5 weeks ago I found running for a minute hard. Time to reflect on how far I've come and how for the first time in a long long time I actually feel proud of myself for all the effort I am putting in.
When you say in for 2 out for 2 do you find that not enough or too much? I generally do 4&4 - think if I tried 2&2 from the start i'd find it too quick and would soon start to struggle. Does change towards the end of a run though!
Thanks for this, I tried it today and that was much better, I still forgot to breath quite a bit but it helped when I thought about it.
I struggled massively with trying to regulate my breathing when I first started running, until someone told me to forget about it and that it would come with experience. And do you know what, they were right! The thing is to just breathe and let your body decide how quickly. It sounds to me like the gremlins are messing with your head and you just need to show them who's boss. Easier said than done I know, but remember, the programme is supremely well designed, and if the designers say you're ready for the 20 minute run, then it's a pretty safe bet that you are. W5r3 is the best run in the entire programme and the feeling if satisfaction at the end when you've completed it is amazing. So go for it (nice and slowly) and enjoy every single step -you won't regret it

You have no reason to worry; if you made it so far you'll be able to complete W5R3 too.
And, after all, what's the worst that can happen? If 20 minutes are beyond your reach now (but I think you can do it), keep trying and you'll eventually get there: believe in the hard work you've done so far, give it a go and give yourself credit for your result, whatever it will be.
Best regards,

Hi, I just want to say hang in there!! I was severely obese and still am, even though I've lost over 5 stone. It took me about 9 months to complete the c25k course. If I wasn't happy with a run I repeated it until I was happy to move on. I needed to feel ready mentally and physically before moving on. Just take it at your own pace. I also done strength training 4 times per week on top of c25k which I do feel helped me. Both complemented each other and gave me the strength and stamina to do both. I'm not fast and depending on the day I'm now running between 4 and 6k. On a non gym day doing a longer run. I too have surprised myself, however if I can do it anyone can. I had huge problems before I started, hardly being able to move, being breathless just from standing up etc. I'm still unfit bot feel much better, you too will benefit. Just do it at your pace but keep at it. Good luck xxx

You are doing brilliantly.. so now,.... try to stop worrying. A lot of us felt exactly as you do at this point.
You breathe naturally, the way YOU want to.. not what the book says..slow and really steady is the way to go.
You are amazing.... look how far you've come already?
You can do this... believe in yourself.. we believe in you!

I've never paid attention to my breathing. Laura mentioned it in one of the earlier podcasts and I had a go following her instructions but it didn't work for me so I never bothered with it after that. Only thing I sometimes do is remind myself to breathe in through my nose but it isn't such a big deal really. You can do r3. I think a lot of us if not most of us doubted we could run for 20 minutes. Just imagine how GOOD you are going to feel when you have done it - and you will. I haven't bounced my way through every run either, sometimes it is a battle but you'll be stronger by run 3 and I think you'll surprise yourself. The thing is even if a run doesn't go according to plan, it really doesn't matter at all. We all have bad days. The next run will be better. Some people repeat a lot of runs but get there in the end. We'll see you graduate, mark my words.

I just wanted to say thanks for the comments, despite falling over on the ice on my warm up walk and cutting my hands and knee I got up and did it, feeling very proud of myself.