I have been doing extra running so unsure if this is a good or bad thing? I started the programme on the 12th oct. between then and yesterday I had listened to the week one podcast 7 times. In other words I've ran 7 days out of 9. Is this a bad or a good thing? I am having a rest day today so wil do some other form of fitness instead and get back to running tomorrow. Probably start week 2. Advice appreciated.
is this good or bad ?!: I have been doing extra... - Couch to 5K
is this good or bad ?!

The safest thing to do is to follow the instructions given by Laura on the podcasts, which clearly state that you should have a rest day between runs. If you are already pretty fit and used to regular exercise then you may get by with fewer rest days, but I would not recommend it personally. Running actually causes micro tears in your muscle tissues and your body does its repair and conditioning on the rest days, not while you are actually running, so those days off are important. You can carry out other non impact cross training on "rest days" which will probably be more beneficial in the long term than doing too much running.
As I said, you may get away with it, but if you are a new runner, you are increasing your risk of injury, which could stop you from running completely. I felt the same as you when I started but decided that the folk who devised the plan knew more about running than me and nine weeks (actually less if you run alternate days throughout) is not a long time in the scheme of things. Doing too much too soon is a common cry on this forum and nothing is more demotivating than getting injured.
Keep running, keep smiling.

The programme has got thousands of us through to running for 30 minutes. It has been designed by experts and the rest days are an important integral part of it. You may be finding the early runs easy (lucky person!) but your body wil need recovery time as you progress. The most common cause of injury is trying to push the body too much too soon. So, I agree with IT - stick with the programme and curb your impatience. You are laying the foundations for a lifetime of running!

Bad! You need recovery time so always have a break between runs, that's to allow your body to recover and your running legs to be built! It's golden time so don't stint. Running too much in the first two years, when you are still building your running body, can spell disaster. You have to build slowly, which is why this progressive programme is so fantastic.
I did too much too soon and am paying for it now with agonising shin splints. I wouldn't wish that on anybody, so take care.
You will still enjoy your running and develop wonderfully well but SAFELY. Don't be in too big a hurry. You will still be getting fitter and burning calories and transforming your health. It's all good, just take care x

Risky business. Do another activity on off days if you're wanting more exercise. An overuse injury can put you out of running for a long time. It's hard to curb your enthusiasm, but your body will thank you.

Laura knows everything, just listen to what she says. The programme has been specifically designed to get you running 30 mins in then safest way possible. It's not a race, you'd be gutted if you had to stop through injury right?
I have to ask - why have you done week 1 seven times? If you've achieved a week, move on to the next one. Follow the programme, if you'd done that you'd be one week 3 now!
i felt i wasn't ready to move onto week 2 after the 3rd run. I had previously done no fitness for nearly 2 years. then on my 6th run which would have been me starting week 2, my partner decided she wanted to start the plan so i ended up doing run 6 and 7 with her

Calm down lad, you'll do yourself an injury! If you're finding week 1 too easy why not skip to week 3 but take your rest days? Running every day in the first few years is not a good plan.

This is the NHS Couch to 5K plan and the benefits are more than physical. Lots of people are not really true couch potatoes, they are just people who have a tendency to do things in spasms and the NHS C25K not only trains your body (and mind) to sustain running for 30 minutes but helps you adopt a healthy habit. Seen it so many times here on the forum... the ones most likely to fall by the wayside are not necessarily people who are unwell, very overweight, not done exercise for years etc, often it seems to be the gungho types... You've been playing the podcasts but not so sure you've been listening!
If you are really enjoying the podcasts and Laura's coaching, there's another suite called NHS Strength and Flexibility which you could do every other day, the days when your body is working to prepare you for your next run.
I started week 2 run 1 today. It feels good. my recovery time on getting my breath back is very very noticeable and im feeling fitter already. thanks to all who commented, i shall have a rest day tomorrow.... i promise!