what should have been w3r3: felt full of energy when I set out and started running....and kept running....ran 30 minutes without stopping. slow (I think that's the aim to get distance?) but I did it. just over 3km - that's the longest run in my 55 years without stopping.
so: do I go back to week 4 onwards (and therefore maybe run faster in each running stint?), or keep on running longer and work at increasing speed over the longer runs? I did a longer run than programmed once before and found it easier to keep running than the stop-start pace of the programme.
I've waited a day and a bit after the run to ensure no adverse effects and I feel absolutely fine, no ill effects at all. My new shoes definitely helping me feel sure-footed and comfortable in my running.
grateful for suggestions on best way to increase speed and endurance best: the interval format is there for a reason, but it doesn't seem to suit me as well as it does others; I seem to be able to run longer distances if I keep running than slow-fast interval pace. thank you!