Just got back from doing 2 x 8 minutes. On the second 8 I thought Laura had abandoned me. But there she was saying you have 60 seconds left. Now although I am very proud of doing this, the gremlins were already at work while I was running "the next run is 20 minutes, you're never going to manage that". I will be doing run 3 on Friday so may come on here on Thursday evening for a bit of a pep talk.
Week 5 run 2: Just got back from doing 2 x... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 2

You will be grand Sandy, if you have done all the runs so far then you have done all the preparation needed.
Just go out and nail it. Think positive, the programme is geared to you completing this run!
So long as you avoid starting out too fast, you'll be fine with R3. That little walk in the middle doesn't really make any difference so really you ran 16 mins for R2 so an extra 4 is nothing.
Tell yourself that you can do it and you really will.
Good luck - and have a great run.
Hadn't thought of it like that. In my mind I was thinking the jump is 8 mins to 20 mins. But if I look at it as 16 to 20, seems much more manageable. Will keep telling myself this until Friday. Thank you.
That's the way!
C25k is very cleverly designed to bring you up to that half-hour run virtually without you noticing what you have been achieving. You feel like you have been working up to running 8 minutes, but really you have been gradually cutting down the walks and extending the runs so that cutting the walk down to nothing is just the next step in the progression. This time it's sixteen minutes up to twenty. That's all.
You really can do it if you give yourself the chance.
Happy running!
Hi Sandy. I will be getting ready shortly to go and do this 8 minute run too. I also keep wondering how on earth I will manage 20 mins. Having just read Ugifer's response, it makes me a bit more hopeful! I have literally just joined this forum, so thank you to both for giving me inspiration.
Well, welcome to the forum Running bean!
Sounds like you are getting on pretty well if you are gearing up for W5R2. Remember - it's all progressive. You ran 15 mins for W5R1. This time you are just doing one extra minute with one fewer breaks. No great problem there!
The thing to remember is that it's _not_ a race. Keep it steady and take one run at a time and you'll be graduating before you know it.
Happy running!
Thank you Ugi. I saw your reply before I went out and it psyched me up. I made it, although I look like a beetroot and my breathing was a bit all over the place. Next stop...20 minutes!!
Well done!
That's all you need: One week at a time. One run at a time. One step at a time.
So there - you did 16 minutes! Take your rest day(s) and keep it slow and you'll be ready for your 20 mins next time.
Let us know how you get on - and happy running!
Well done bean. I'm sure we will both be OK for run three. I just have a case of the jitters and I have 2 days rest now to think about those 20 minutes. It will be on my mind until I have done it. Must keep telling myself "it's only 4 extra minutes"

Had exactly that feeling doing Wk5R1 yesterday morning.
Of course you will manage it. If you have followed the plan up to now you are physically capable of doing it. enjoy

I completed the week 5 run 3 last night. Parts were tough, and as Laura says, its the mental side of training. Great feeling once done. Looking forward to your post to say you nailed it.