I did my first post graduation run yesterday and it felt odd not having Laura but I still enjoyed my run, but feeling it today for some strange reason, will see how I feel tomorrow for my 2nd run. Would it be acceptable if I don't manage the full 30 mins tomorrow???
Post graduate run: I did my first post... - Couch to 5K
Post graduate run

One of the beauties of having graduated is that you can please yourself! Run long or short, fast or slow - whatever you want! You could even allow yourself an extra rest day if you are feeling really devilish!
The important thing is to enjoy it!

It's always acceptable to have an off day as long as you get out and try again. Good job!!!!
Of course its acceptable to run for less than 30 mins. The world is your oyster now, run for however long you want to. The important thing is to keep going and preferably stick to a routine so you carry on running 2-3 times a week. Well done on the graduation !

Do you manage the whole 5k in 30 mins ? I know the nhs c25k says 30 mins but i use the american one and its 35 mins for 5k . I just about mske it !

Hi lotty I graduated on Sunday and felt elated. Did my first post grad run yesterday and it was a real struggle. I really wanted to stop. I think we need to relax into it and go with the flow. I will probably take two rest days now. I think running for 30 minutes is still quite challenging even at this stage so we need to be easy on ourselves as our bodies get used to it. Keep going fellow graduate! 😊

You are a graduate.......hooray!!!! You are also a very new runner with only a few weeks of experience and a few miles on the legs. C25k has taught you that by pushing yourself you can achieve more than you expected and hopefully got you into a running routine. From here on in it is up to you to maintain the habit, by running regularly, until running is just part of your life which you could not possibly consider dropping and it becomes second nature to you.
You are in control, so of course you can stop, whenever you want to, but you will learn more by pushing on and also by maybe slowing down, so that you can finish the 30 minutes easily. The lack of structure can be a problem straight after graduation, so it is worth finding another programme to follow or set yourself some personal targets to make sure that you are still getting the satisfaction of achievement that C25k provides. Many of us have found parkrun to be one of the most inspiring events to be part of, as well as giving an accurately timed 5k PB to chip away at.
Above all, don't let running become a chore that has to be undertaken. Keep it a joy and an expression of your personal fitness that you have worked so hard to achieve.
Keep running, keep smiling

I only have limited experience having graduated in September but I found the first runs afterwards difficult - as there was no real 'goal' as such.
Then I decided to try to get to 5k so that 'drove' me for a while
Have to say I do 'feel' it more between runs, seize up quite a bit, despite cooling down and stretching properly but I am running 30 mins 3 times a week, before summer that was zilch.
I would say try to keep going - just slower maybe, see if that helps.

Thanks all for all your comments as always very helpful. I didn't go for a run yesterday evening as when I finished work I just felt so drained and had no energy, bad side is I won't be able to get out now until Mon!