Just one of those awful runs. Attempting week 9 run 1. I ran for 30 mins last week, so I know I can do it, but it was one of those runs when nothing seems to feel right - legs like lead, feet like blocks of concrete. I just couldn't run past 15 mins, so walked for a few minutes then set myself the target of running another 1km. Did this with a struggle then walked home. Week 9 run 1 NOT completed, but actually (apart from the horrible running bit) , as an outing, when I look back on it, it was ok. - Dog got a walk, and we covered 6km altogether in about an hour's physical activity, so it was so much better than sitting on the couch. Week 9 run 1 can wait another day or two.
rubbish run: Just one of those awful runs... - Couch to 5K
rubbish run

That's the spirit! The bad runs are just good in other ways, aren't they? And 15 minutes is still much more than one minute.

Hi Bonnie, as Laura says " Some runs will feel better than others, theres no rhyme or reason to it sometimes, but any run is better than no run "
Onwards ! xxx

Glad you enjoyed being out and about even if you didn't complete the run you wanted. Some days are just like that apparently without rhyme or reason!
Hard to explain those days but we all have them, and you still managed to cover some distance.
Put that outing behind you, your next run will be fine!
We all get 'em Bonnie! As you said, much better than sitting on the couch. Hope the next run is better for you

Great attitude. The exercise is the thing. You'll do it next time!

Exactly the right attitude Bonnie. Take the positives from the run and move on. Tomorrow is another day

Great attitude, you'll go far with that! Often naff runs come from setting off too fast, probably your dog's fault!