Hello fellow runners
It's been an interesting few days running wise. Friday, saturday, sunday, monday tuesday I ran 5km each day. On the tuesday run I was feeling twinges in ankles and calves and the run was slower than the rest, so I decided to have a couple of days rest. In the end I didnt feel like running again until today (saturday).
I decided to do my hilly run for a change this morning. Felt tired to begin with, but that's normal for me, I always feel a bit out of sorts for the first 5 minutes or so. By the time I'd reached my turn around point, to head back towards home I was feeling pretty good
When I reached the bottom of the hill that leads up to my village, I would normally do my warm down walk, but I needed the toilet, so decided it would be less risky to run up it ! What surprised me was that when I finally stopped running, my legs felt really strong and springy, like they could bound around like a spring lamb I didnt try that
but they felt just great. I've no idea why they felt that way, but it was very nice
Happy Running