So, I had completed w7r2 and went on holiday for 2 weeks. Yes I took my running gear and no, I didn't run. There was nowhere safe to run and where was remotely safe was cliff paths and I can't do inclines let alone run up the side of a steep cliff. I was disappointed to say the least, especially when a seasoned runner came back and said bu**er that, it's a killer running anywhere here!
So today, now I am back home, I thought I would go out and start running again. I knew I wouldn't be able to do what I did and would have lost some fitness but I was hoping I would manage most of the 25min run. I set off and instantly found it a struggle. I managed to the half way point before slowing to a walk. I recovered then thought I would run the rest but I couldn't so ended up running a bit then walking a bit. I tried to keep the walking to a minimum but my legs were lead and wouldn't move and I couldn't breath.
Not sure where to go from here, to keep trying the week 7 run until I can do it, or drop back a week and do week 6. What do you folks think?