For 4 weeks now I have been determined to go to parkrun and for 4 weeks I have now chickened out! I even said to Hubby last night to make me go this morning and I still didn't get there but went hill running instead. I am not even sure why I keep putting it off because I think I will enjoy it when I get there and the parkrun posts on here have great positive feedback. When I wake up on a Saturday morning I can always think of reasons I shouldn't go, I think I feel like I am going for an exam Then on a Saturday afternoon reading the posts you all put on about parkrun I am really disappointed in myself for not doing it. Maybe next week!!
I Can't Pluck up the Courage to do Parkrun - Couch to 5K
I Can't Pluck up the Courage to do Parkrun

Just think of it as going for a run with a whole load of like minded people, of all ages shapes, sizes and abilities, who will not be judgemental, only supportive. There is nothing to fear and everything to gain by becoming part of one of the most exciting grass roots organisations in the country, or should I say the world. The ethos of the organisation and the friendship of those taking part means that you will feel at home in no time at all as well as having an accurate personal 5k time to work away at.
Those gremlins that you defeated during C25k really need to be put out of the back door, so that you can enjoy parkrun. Relax and enjoy it. Please go!!! You will love it.
please see my earlier posting marked testing or exercise
I suppose it's not going to help pointing out that there's nothing at all to fear, because you'd already know that. Why not just go and volunteer first, before you one day run? They'll use you as a marshall or something. Then after the parkrun, you can go and do some hills or something. There should be something on your news letter about getting yourself added to the volunteer list.

Hey Tulip.
Do go. I did my first one this morning and was in a total Tiz beforehand, even had to run with my keys in my bra as I didn't know if anywhere to leave them!!!!
It was great though and a couple of people did speak to me. I loved it and can't wait to go again next week.
The thought is definitely worse than the reality.
I was like you at first, it is easy to find reasons not to do something, my 1st was last christmas day, it was the best thing ever , as Ian said it is full of like minded peeps of all abilities and lots of support and encouragement
Have missed loads through injury and am so looking forward to my return to parkrun, hopefully next Saturday
kick those voices into touch , go to parkrun and have a wonderful time

If you are really worried just go along in normal clothes and have a look! But I can say definitely go for it and it will become as addictive as running ! No one judges you, lots of people walk for big chunks and there is always someone to talk to and people cheering you on !

I put it off for a while and I was really nervous the first few times I went. Fear I would be right at the back. Fear I would hold the organisers up. Fear I would fail part way round. Fear of being knocked over by a horde of faster runners.
Well there is a horde of faster runners and I keep safe at the start by standing back. I haven't once finished last, nor have I failed part way round, nor do I ever get the feeling the organisers resent the slowest ones. Plenty of people run / walk it. Lots of people are friendly.
It's great. Do it next week!
What they said.....

Can u run 5K in a reasonable time, from what I have read, there are all ages and abilities there. Maybe write down what would it b like to have done a Park run, how we u feel??
I like you kept putting it off coming up with all sorts of excuses why I couldn't get there. I have been running on my own around the roads/parks where I live for about 3 years but still couldn't pluck up the courage to go. Then I bit the bullet 3 weeks ago and completed my third park run yesterday. They are great, very welcoming and encouraging, runners of of all shapes, sizes and abilities but all there to have fun and encourage everyone that takes part.
I hope you overcome your fear soon and take the plunge because once you do there will be no stopping you and like me you will say to yourself why did I not start going to these earlier.