Just completed W2 R2. I still stand by my impression that the second run of the second set of runs for the week (if you get me) is the hardest. Anyway, about half way through the set I saw a lady running toward me. I was in my walking phase of the set, which I am not sure was good or bad as the lady who came past was what I hope to be in a futher 7 weeks - a proper runner (not a lady).
She had all the lovely running gear, arm band, rainbow mirrored glasses the works - and for the life of me she looked like a petite Paula Radcliffe. When I first started 2 weeks ago, I would have felt mortified and embarrassed at meeting someone like this as I puffed round, red faced. Today, I thought 'that may be me soon'.
When I first started out and saw anyone else not even runners, I felt like a bit of a fraud. What am I doing making out I am runner. I can't run.
I'm still not a runner, but neither am I that person who wouldn't go out in fear of failure - I actually look forward to the next run. Crazy!
Then immediately after, an odd piece of karma/serendipity call it what you will; I started my next 90 second run and who should turn in to my road but two trainees motorcyclists and their instructor. That was me last November, setting out to do my motorcycle test, full of trepidation after wanting to do it after a 30 odd year hiatus - I passed and now have my own red, shiny (old, but wonderful) 750 Honda.
We all start somewhere. I am not fast. I am not pretty. But I am doing it and I am not embarrassed any more. Even when Paula Radcliffe comes past!
Roll on week 3 and eventually roll on the week where Laura announces 'You are a runner'.
Thank you to everyone who posts, for being brave and voicing their fears as well as their accomplishments, they make a lot of difference to people like me who read them and get inspiration and wouldn't ordinarily dream of posting anything.