Well, not quite!! I'm on holiday in Canada and its bear country 🐻🐻 so off I went yesterday running through rainforest pathways on Vancouver Island !! Who knew 7 months ago that I would even think to pack my trainers.....I didn't even own proper trainers then anyway.....been here for 3 days and got my first run done and feel very happy with myself too ( pizza went down easier too knowing I'd at least earnt most of it!) So, for any holiday-makers and new runners please please pack yer trainers and keep running, it's exhilerating running in new places.....hopefully my next post won't be running away from wolves 🐺🐺!!
Running with Bears! : Well, not quite!! I'm on... - Couch to 5K
Running with Bears!

wow...how exciting not knowing if you will be attacked by a bear... enjoy your holiday and keep the wolves away

I have recently come back from a few weeks holiday in Canada, we also visited Vancouver Island. Didn't see any bears on VI but saw a couple when we were in Jasper in the Rockies. Saw a lot of 'beware of the Bears' signs, my favourite being a riverside walk near Lake Louise where there was an electrified fence next to the path. All good until we realised a little further on that there was a picnic area on the other side of the fence..... If you go down to the woods today....
Best run was in Vancouver around the sea wall from the centre around Stanley Park. Utterly gorgeous flat running, I will post a photo when I finally get them off the camera.
Thought Ucluelet on VI and Banff and Lake Louise in the Rockies were also gorgeous but for hiking not running.

We have just returned from holiday in Canada including Vancouver Island. We didn't see bears in VI but we saw a couple in Jasper in the Rockies. Lots of 'beware of Bears' signs while out walking, my favourite being a riverside walk near Lake Louise which had an electrified bear fence running alongside the path. All well and good until we got a little further along and saw there was a picnic area the other side of the fence. If you go down to woods today.....
Best run was Vancouver itself, sea wall from the city around Stanley Park. Beautiful hikes in Banffand Lake Louise as well as Ucluelet on VI. I will post some photos when I get them off my phone.
Sorry for the nearly duplicate posts - first one seemed to disappear so I assumed I had failed to post.
Wow Codd looks like we have duplicate holidays!! We cycled the sea walls in Vancouver due to me still being half asleep that day; seen bears from one of those little boat trips in Tofino on VI, and next we go to Jasper and then Moraine Lake...!! Defo want to see bears again but not while out running
A gorgeous place to combine with running so far, but I'm not known for running up hills so we'll have to see how that works in Jasper (and I hear the bugs like to bite up there?
Hi Codfish, I just got back from a trip which included Vancouver, and although I've been on the IC with a calf injury I managed to cycle most of the sea wall. So beautiful........! I had so much wanted to run at least part of it but it wasn't to be :(.
Wasn't it fantastic being in a city where walkers, joggers and cyclists are given top priority? If I had the choice, I can't think of a better place to do the C25K.
Look forward to your photos!
Fabulous Northern Spirit! I am going to Canada (Ontario) at the end of August & I shall be taking my trainers with me!!
Watch out for those bears/wolves!!!!!!!
Enjoy your trip

Check out one of my earlier posts about the bear at the back of my house!
Have a brilliant holiday - I love living in Canada. The Island is a great place to explore...so many wonderful things to see and do.

How fab! I was in Banff recently and was told to watch out for bears Didn't see any (although I'm not sure if any saw me) but on my last morning the trail I wanted to run on was closed because someone had spotted a grizzly on it. Have a wonderful time but watch out for the wildlife!

You lucky girl. Running in Canada - wowsers. But bears.... Brr. Suppose you could throw your trainers at it, but it'd be a pity to get them back covered in dribble. The BBC had an article about what to do if you meet one... hang on.... yup, here's the link. The only bear I want to meet is Paddington's aunt Lucy. That way I get to visit Peru, too.

Another bear story. We were driving the Icefields Parkway from Lake Louise to Jasper. Got to an area where there were several cars pulled up, we thought this can only mean one thing. Sure enough very cute black bear sat right by the side of the road calmly feeding. We stopped, took photo through the car windows, drove on. Later on, we talked to a couple who had made the same journey around the same time. They said whilst they were parked, a car with 4 Japanese tourists turned up, go out of their car, ran over to the bear and started taking 'selfies' with it whilst jumping up and down excitedly, with other tourists shouting for them to get back in their car. Fortunately no one hurt but I just found it so hard to get my head around the stupidity of it. Not only approaching the bear but then standing with your back to it!
There's no cure for stupid!
It's beyond me why people ignore all the notices about approaching animals. Not only is there a very real risk of injury, but if a bear becalmed habituated (I think that's the word!) to humans, then they can end up getting shot.
Glad to hear you had a good trip and, yes, most people out here are pretty friendly!

Thanks for all your posts guys, I've been without tech for a few days. Jasper was fab and flat - haha!! Then it all went a bit Pete Tongue for me.....we went to Morraine Lake which is pretty high up and I learned something new about myself....I don't do altitude! I could barely walk for 2 days! They provided bear spray on reception but I didn't need it
Back closer to sea level now, phew!
Canada is a place of contrast and utter beauty