Looking back over my first month of Marathon t... - Couch to 5K

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Looking back over my first month of Marathon training

Tomas profile image
24 Replies

I'm signed up to the York Marathon in October, so there's still quite some time, but a month ago I decided to start training "for real" as opposed to just going out for a run 3 times a week. Some internet browsing revealed that there are, if not hundreds, then at least dozens and dozens of Marathon training plans out there.

They're all fairly similar - run x times per week with one run being the long (weekend) run. Increase the distance week by week. Throw in some recovery weeks where you take it a little bit easier. I picked an 18 week plan for novices and then set about tweaking it. I've got 4 10k races during the summer, and they need to fit in as well. The result was a 22 week plan culminating with 20 miles as the longest distance 3 weeks before the race itself.

On week 0, the week before starting the plan, I had my first reality check. I went out for a long run along the river Ouse (we were caravaning, the weather was gorgeous, and the river was even gorgeous'er), and thought I'd push myself a bit so that I would be a little ahead of the plan already before beginning. I have worked as a project manager for many years, so creating a bit of contingency in the plan comes natural. Anyway, I was running along the river 5 miles to the nearest town, everything was lovely, and then turned around to run back. Could have picked a short 3 mile route back, but when I got to where I had to chose, I picked the long 5 mile back. With two miles to go I ran out of steam. Totally. As in, can't run, can't walk, can't limp, mwaaaaaaaaaa! I phoned Her Ladyship to tell her I would be a bit longer than expected. She offered to come and fetch me, but I bravely (stupidly!) said not to worry, I'd just take a small break and then make my way back to the caravan. Well. After my small break it was clear I was not going to run anywhere, so I tried calling her to collect me anyway. By now she had inadvertedly switched her phone to silent, so I was stuck with having to limp on. There's a lesson there. Actually, there are two. 1) don't bite off more than you can chew (you hear me Tomas?) and 2) when you have an offer, accept it.

The original plan suggests Mondays and Fridays as rest days, with a short run Tuesday, sorta-longish Wednesday, short Thursday, long Saturday and cross training Sunday. I have tweaked it to be short and slow Monday, increasingly longer sorta-long and fast Wednesday (to rain for the 10k races), short and slow Thursday and long and slow Saturday.

Week 1 was uneventful. The short runs went fine, and on the weekend I again attempted a 10 miler, but this time I was far more careful not to over exert myself. The result was as anyone could have predicted: By taking it easier and not running so fast it felt far better, and I covered the distance.

By now I was becoming aware of some niggling issues that had troubled me for a while. My Achilles tendon is sore, and the 10 miler did not make it any better. My glutes ache and sometimes my lower back. It's nothing new, and I have lived with it for a while, but it seemed sensible to do something about it rather than risk it runining the training a a critical phase for the Marathon (I had an over-use injury last year a month before my half Marathon, so once bitten, twice shy). Made an appointment with a physio a couple of weeks out in the future.

Week 2 was equally uneventful. The long run as 11 miles, and while it was hard work, it was entirely doable.

Several things happened in week 3. The Wednesday sorta-long and fast run progressed to 10 km, and I beat my PB from February. Yay. That gave a nice mood boost. It did not at all improve my Achilles though. Ouch! And I eventually had my appointment with the physio. She massaged (tortured) me, gave me some exercises, told me to take up pilates and sent me to a podiatrist to have my shoes checked. This was a recovery week, so rather than extending the weekend run, I cut it back to 8 miles.

Week 4. Went back to the physio on Friday for a bit more torture. She could see that the exercises had had some effect, but there's still work to be done. Okay to run, but don't overdo it, and try to stay away from hills. Yes of course, I said. Lying toerag that I am. On the weekend we were caravaning again, this time near Scarborough, and I had planned a lovely 13 mile route. My farily long running notes for it ( connect.garmin.com/modern/a... ) describes it as the prettiest, loveliest and most enjoyable long run I've ever had. I concluded that there was nothing I would have wanted to be different.

Now, a few days later, there is one. I should probably have heeded the physio's advice about avoiding hills. The elevation gain from that one run was the same as for all my runs for the last three months combined. And my Achilles hurts for it.

Yesterday I finally saw the podiatrist. He looked and measured and analysed and sent me on my way with a pair of very expensive custom made insoles, and suggested that I go home and spend some more money on an extra pair of shoes so I've got two to change between. Not only does it give the shoes more time to rest and recover (the poor things, my heart bleeds for them!), it also means that if for whatever reason one pair of shoes should break shortly before the race, I'll have another pair that has already been through a couple of hundred miles of breaking in.

Today should have been a running day, and with the first 10k race being this weekend, I had planned on doing a 10 miler today as replacement for the weekend long run, but I think I shall give my Achilles tendon an extra day to calm down a little. I want to play it wise this time and listen to my body, but at the same time I also want to get the miles in week after week after week, so that it becomes a habit.

Stay tuned for another update in a month's time. By then I should hopefully be up to 15 or 16 miles for the long run. The expensive insoles should be doing their thing, I will have had my first pilates training session, and I really, really hope that the physio exercises will have made my legs feel better.

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Tomas profile image
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24 Replies
misswobble profile image

If you're paying for a physio then do what she says Tomas. Wags finger. I grant you that it's not easy to find any flat land in Scarborough!

You don't really need to run the whole distance do you. 17 k should do it. I hope the insoles work by the way.

You have quite a while to go before the big day so you don't need to go at it hammer and tongs. You can do nice, long, slow runs to build your legs for the distance you have to go. I'd let the quest for PB's go for now. Being fit for the race is so important so don't burn out beforehand.

The pilates/yoga/core/cardio/weights/walking/cycling/swimming will all help your running.

Have fun!

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks Miss W, and I totally agree on the nice, long, slow runs and on the focus on the end goal rather than letting myself become distracted by PBs and whatnot.

And yes, it is stupid to pay for advice and then not follow it. In my defense, it looked flatter on the map than it did in reality. On the plus side, my next long run (weekend after this) will be along the Ouse again and probably have a total ascend/descend than can be measured in single digits.

aliboo70 profile image

sounds like an excellent plan Tomas, but its made me tired reading it, though also inspired :) Good luck for you 10k series too :) and like miss w says, take notice of your physio!!

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to aliboo70

I know. I've got verbal diahorrea me *lol*. Thanks for the good luck wishes, and yes, I will listen to the expensive advice :)

aliboo70 profile image
aliboo70 in reply to Tomas

i didn't mean it was too long, just the amount of activity made me tired! very impressed! :) i pondering maybe booking in for a HM, have a 10 miler GSR in October, my brother is on week 2 now of c25k(paulb67) , and had registered to do it too, mind you he was a runner in a previous life, so i have faith in him! :)

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Go for it. Having a specific target gives that little bit of carrot that we all need at times :) (even though the weather at the moment makes it far easier to get out of the house)

Dunder2004 profile image

Certainly can't offer any advice Tomas so I will just say "all the best" and look forward to your next update.

I am entered for next year's Brighton Marathon and can't say that I am looking forward to the training.

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Dunder2004

Thanks Dunder. That's great you're signed up for Brighton. I think long slow runs are great - you can get far enough away from home to see new ground and run on roads and paths you've never been on. I love the variety that gives, and it turns exercise into a small adventure. I hope it'll be the same for you when you rake up the miles (speaking of which... you seem to be doing quite a lot of miles already, respect!)

misswobble profile image

Take great care on the downhills Tomas. Keep yourself under control. Don't thunder down them like me. Fool that I am!

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to misswobble

Was it downhills that did you in? Let's just rent a couple of big building machines and level the country so it's all lovely and flat, eh?!

Vixchile profile image

Sounds like you have well researched plan there. Good luck with training, I love reading posts like this as it gives you glimpse of what training for a marathon is really like.

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Thanks Vix. I hope it all comes together :)

Rignold profile image

10 milers in week one of a 22 week programme? Ulp.

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Rignold

It only needed to be 8 miles, but I wanted to be a little ahead of the curve. Just in case I get an injury and need to take a couple of weeks off later on.

Lovefood1984 profile image

Fingers crossed :) At least your going about things semi sensibly ;)

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to Lovefood1984

Thanks. Many non-runners would argue that the act of running 26 miles just to get back to where you started 5-6 hours earlier is the complete opposite of sensible *lol*. Little do they know!

AncientMum profile image

This all sounds very impressive Tomas, very impressive indeed. I can totally get your wish to build some contingency into the plan but, please please don't push yourself too hard. I'm looking forward to reading all about your progress and I really don't want to hear of you getting injured. Take care m'dear :)

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to AncientMum

I am trying my very best to balance the desire to be a little ahead of the plan against the need to cash in some of that contingency. So far so good! (famous last words). I'll make sure to be around for further updates next month :)

ju-ju- profile image

brilliant blog....I really enjoyed reading that. Your training is going well...its a long one isn't it? In my head I am planning a 12 week programme for my next one...very sensible to see the physio, I know I need to do the same ( achilles and shin niggles).... can't wait to read the next instalment :)

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to ju-ju-

It was your posts about your marathon training that inspired me to also put my thoughts and experiences into words, so thank you! And yes, it's a long, long way. But you showed the way, and I want to follow :)

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Graduate in reply to Tomas

thats so so lovely...thankyou :)

the_tea_fairy profile image

Oh rubbish! I'm sure the physio has it all covered but when I had a niggly Achilles I did heel drops and they seemed to help a lot.

Tomas profile image
TomasGraduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

Yep, heel drops are on her list. As is standing one one leg when I brush my teeth and eventually doing one legged and on tip toes. Happy to hear any other tips - I want that Achilles problem GONE.

misswobble profile image

Hmmm. If the plan called for 8 miles I would do 8 miles. Seriously, 18 sounds like overkill.

Not what you're looking for?

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