Wow. I'd heard of the "bad run" phenomena, but only had my first yesterday.
It was a glorious day and I'd had plenty of rest since my début race (thanks to stupidly injuring my foot moments after finished by walking into a bicycle pedal <- genius) so I thought with all that rest and all that mental positivity I was going to thrash this nice leisurely run and feel amazing!
Not so... My pulse was insane even at an easy pace for me, I felt I could hardly breathe and I ended up with such a bad headache and stitch that I just bailed out. Technically, I covered 5k, but at a miserably slow, painfully dragging scramble of a walk.
I'm blaming not being hydrated enough and not getting enough sleep lately. I'm trying to convince myself that it was a one off disaster, because it's convincing myself that's half the battle!
Oh well, the dog had fun.