So under the instruction of my husband i today went out and purchased my 1st pair of proper running shoes. Im upto week 7 run 3 and he insisted (as have most of you lol!) that they really are a must. Whilst i was there i got browsing and also ended up with some lovely 3 quarters, a bright pink top, a jacket and some socks! Woops lol! Armed with all my beautiful new shiney gear i finally felt ready to head out of my treadmill and down to the local park for run 3. Well what a bloody dishearting disaster. The shoes felt great, feel like im boucing on air and i even got over the fact that everyone and their dogs and the geese really arent staring at me but shortly after 5 mins in i just couldn't get my breathing right, cant keep a good pace and had to stop. I carried on but had a head wind and had to call it a day just after 9 mins. My throat still is so sore 30 mins later, it felt like it was going to close up i feel so defeated! Back to my treadmill i go....
1st run outside and failed miserably :( - Couch to 5K
1st run outside and failed miserably :(

Try not to be too hard on yourself. Running outdoors is obviously different from running on a treadmill and you will need to adjust to that difference. Plus, you've got lovely new shoes which will also feel 'different', I know it took me a few runs to adjust to my new shoes. Maybe next time just head out on a shorter run, and take things easy and get used to the differences involved. Good luck

One of the differences with running outside is that the pace is not set for you - it may be that you set off too fast a d just ran out of steam. Give it another try and slow things right down - I'm sure you can do it!
I agree. Don't give up on running outside because you didn't have a perfect run. Lots of people say it's harder because you go too fast. Slow and steady will get you through whether you are inside or out.
Why is your throat still sore? Do you have allergies? If so, make sure you take an antihistamine or whatever before you run. Otherwise, maybe you're going down with some nasty lurgy and would feel just the same if you'd been running inside - hope this isn't the case, I'm not trying to wish illness on you, it's just that normally it's the legs that are sore after running!
Been having a think... I'll re do my run 3 (obviously) on the treadmill and try and work out my pace to the playlist i listen to. I use the same one all the time so can try and suss it out. Then i'll give it one more try outdoors... I don't know what the deal is with my throat it's always been the same when i've run outdoors. I don't know if it's the cold air and me getting my breathing all wrong or if it's something to do with m having my tonsills out cause it all kicked off after that? Who knows! Got a fair bit to work on but at least i'll look good doing it x

Glad to see you have a new plan.
Anyone who has been on the forum for any length of time has seen loads of people who have had exactly the same experience going from treadmill to running outside. It is a shock but you will get used to it.
Enjoy the new kit, and if you do still find your throat is sore maybe consider a thin buff as many runners use in winter to cover your mouth

The great thing about running outdoors is the wonderful variety of conditions. The surface is important - I find a nice piece of flat Tarmac far preferable to a run round a park for example. One of these days you'll find yourself running in light drizzle on a long flat, straight road and you will absolutely love it, I promise you.

Don't give up, it is a lot harder running outside than on a treadmill, especially if it is motorised treadmill. Go back to a week you find easy on the C25K doing it outside. Then build up from there.
I am sure you will do it.
Good luck. And keep us all posted.

The first run I ventured outside for was wk2 r3, so I was only running for 90 seconds of running and it nearly killed me! I set off too fast and my breathing went haywire as well. I was struck by how hard the ground felt after being on the treadmill, lol.
But you can do this, have faith in your abilities and in the programme. Just slow it down..I just graduated, in the most torrential downpour and it was amazing. I now mix the treadmill with outdoors and it's working great.

Hi. I had exactly the same problem when I first started running outside after 'graduating'. I found I really had to slow my pace down I was setting off far too fast and running out of breath. Don't be defeated. It will all come together!

Oh sorry to hear that. Im sure it will get easier following the advice above. I have only done the treadmill up to now and this exactly what im worried about when I first go outside.
At first I didnt want to go out as I was worried about people watching but now im just worried about how hard it will be compared to the treadmill and I suppose its very disheartening when it spoils a run when you've done well up to now.
But as said above some days it just does feel tougher for some reason and at least now you've tried it once you have a few ideas on what to change to make it work for you next time.
And you get to show off your new gear!!
Good luck with it.
Go as slow as you can, then slow it down a bit can always speed up towards the end if you have a bit of energy left, that will make you feel good about yourself and your running. The main thing is to do the time, not try to go at a fast speed. Keep at it, you'll get there!

dont give up, it is different running outside but you will get used to it, especially as you have some gorgeous new gear to run in As your runs get longer being outside stops any boredom and it can be so much fun...hang in there