Got dropped off early to work yesterday, as Boz bumbled off to Parkrun (22.20 yesterday!) and i had a 9.30 start! as i was missing my Saturday jaunt, decided in my wisdom a day or so before that i would attempt to reach home via the off road cycle track from Blackwater to Lake....
All changed and out of the door by 3.20, and reached the track by 3.30pm I'd decided to set my garmin for a 5 min run/2 min walk as this was a longer distance for me, it really was quite sunny but the wind was up and in my face all the way along. The run walk worked ok for first stint, after 2 miles or so decided to stop and apply suncream, and put the radio on as it seemed like a long old journey was ahead! This was all fine, but of course lost track of the beeps to tell me the run walk, so decided just to judge it by how i felt. I've done this route half way before running, and cycling many times, its an old railway track so long and straight most of the way.
After Arreton decided to run the next stint, to Newchurch, all in one hit, which was ok, though for some reason my shoes were getting a bit sore... i got new insoles a while back and the shoes have done nearly 500k, so should be ok for a while yet, but felt like the ball of the foot was a bit sore mind you my socks are a bit ancient and may be a bit thin?? stopped and had a look, no blister, had a little sit down and mini doughnut and a swig of water! ( i had bought some for work, and 1 pack left over so was forced to bring them home(can't let a good mini ring doughnut or 6 with icing go to waste!)
**Forgot to mention having 3rd outing for new running rucksack, which is proving a great bargain @£11 in sale from Mountain warehouse! it really was quite full with work clothes etc, next time may leave stuff and collect it another day!
got to the end of cycle track! YAY! most of 2nd half was full running stints, i did the odd bit of walking on the way back along what seemed like a really long road to the high st, but then started running again, and to my amazement didn't stop, just kept aiming for next bit of road or lampost and soon was on final stretch! arrived home and was searching for keys and feeling hot sweaty and tired when Boz arrived back from his cyclocross race, he covered 56k and reckons he hit 40mph at one stage! blimey! we both sat exhausted drinking squash and eating MORE mini doughnuts!
so that the story of my longest so far run(with some walking !) 15.2k! and achieved my ambition to complete the track!
heres the link to my stint for stats fans!
we have "Walk the Wight" here in 3 weeks time for the local hospice (10th may) and my brother, sister and i are doing the 26.5 mile stint, so need to keep getting on out there, its a bit of a killer, but the drink(cider last year!) afterwards is FANTASTIC! and you get a medal too!
happy sunday everyone