A journey of one thousand miles, begins with a... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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A journey of one thousand miles, begins with a single step! Looking for friends to make the path less lonely...

ngm_uk profile image
24 Replies

I'm writing this from my work desk, knowing (read: dreading the thought) that when I get home I have to go for my first run of my first week of the Couch to 5k challenge. I am terrified.

I've been overweight for the majority of my memory. I was an active kid, always dancing however I was always in the largest leotard... now I'm 26 years old, 5ft 4 and 16 stone. After years of depression - I'm back on track, I'm off the pills, settled in my job and I am ready to take control of my body, well-being and essential happiness.

I've never been confident enough to run, but I know it's the quickest way to increase your overall fitness. In the past I have tired but given up as soon as I was overtaken in the park or someone began pummeling the treadmill at an inhuman speed next to me in a gym. So, the prospect of Couch to 5k challenge is daunting to say the least... as I know it was for many people on here.

The overall goal is to get fit, slim down to a healthy (for my height) 9st and increase my chances of living a long, happy and healthy life. Today, I'm taking the first step of a very long journey and at the moment the path feels quite lonely.... I'm just looking for some friendly advice from people that have done it or are still doing it!

I'm following the 'NHS 12 week weight loss plan' and 'NHS 12 week fitness plan' to get me started and using the 'My Fitness tracker' app to log my food intake and 'MisFit Shine' to keep me motivated.

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ngm_uk profile image
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24 Replies
Zev1963 profile image

Welcome to C25K ngm :)

No need to be lonely here, this forum is very friendly and supportive.

You would be surprised how many of the people here thought that they hated running before they started this program. Now they love it, and would say that they are addicted to running. The great thing about C25K is that it is a very gentle gradual process which guides you to being able to run, after 9 weeks, to for 30 minutes non stop.

The wonderful thing about C25K is that anyone can do it, just listen to Laura, the lady in the MP3 tracks, nd do as she says. The trick is to take it very slowly, dont set off as fast as you can, run slowly then slow down a bit more.

By the end of 9 weeks you will look back and be amazed at how far you have come.

Keep posting on here, tell us how you are doing, and if you need advice then dont hesitate to ask the folks on this forum.

Happy running :)

5kOrBust profile image

You'll find more than friends here, you'll find a new family. You've taken a fantastic decision to start on C25K, one you'll be so grateful for in time. You will find all the support and encouragement you need on this forum, tell us when you're up and we'll cheer with you; tell us if you're down and we'll build you back up. I'm no expert but if I may, I'd offer these words of advice:

1. Trust Laura. If you do exactly as she says she will NEVER let you down.

2. Start off slow, and then slow down a bit.

3. If you ever fear 'what people might think if they see me' remember - they are very likely jealous that you are actually doing something to make your life better and they wish they were too.

4. However slow you go, you're still going faster than everyone sitting on the couch.

5. Be prepared to become addicted!

As one who was carried through C25k by a wave of support on this forum, I wish you every success and, if you need it, all the luck in the world. Please keep us all posted regularly on how you're getting on.

Run wild, run free!

Steve x

Girlyswot profile image

Well done for deciding to start the NHS C25k programme and welcome to the forum ! You will find lots of friends and helpful advice. I won't be the only person to suggest running very slowly ! I took it up after 30+ years of inactivity and have now done 4 parkruns (slowly) !! Best of luck with it, a really good decision and keep us posted on your progress ! x

sizexm profile image

You have come to the right place, you'll find lots of encouragement here. Don't be too strict with yourself and appreciate every little success. The first run feels hard for a lot of people, so don't lose hope if you don't manage all of it on the first day. This is not about achieving 30 minutes after exactly nine weeks, but about getting off the sofa three times a week!

MarkyD profile image

Right NGM, here we go!

You've just done absolutely the best thing possible - come on this forum and explain your motivation for starting this C25K lark. There are loads of really lovely, inspiring, motivating, crazy, wonderful people on this forum, and we're delighted that you are joining us. We will cheer you on your way, offering encouragement, support, the occasional nag, and generally making you feel wonderful about your running. I guarantee that you won't be lonely, and I also guarantee that in the summer, you'll be fitter, more toned and feeling great. Your family and friends will be commenting on your weight-loss.

I wish you success. Post often.

Dunder2004 profile image

All the best ngm.

Just take it very easily and you will be fine. The community here is unbelievably supportive and always here to give great advice.

Very few of us are going to be threatening speed records or will ever look like Jessica Ennis when we are out on the road but we are all here in some way or another to feel better for ourselves and about ourselves.

If you do happen to be overtaken, don't fret. Rest assured that guy/girl wasn't always that quick and has nothing but respect for someone out there giving it a go.

Well you have come to the right place my dear. First odd advice this maybe, I wouldn't do the C25K just yet. Its a bit like starting a diet straight after xmas, it probably wont work. Download an app called myfitnesspal and stick to it like glue, it has a barcode scanner on the mobile app, set the goal realistically, I have used both the web based program and the mobile app, funny enough, today is 400th consecutive day of using it. Next and this I believe to be important, it may surprise you that walking is a fantastic exercise, download runkeeper and use it. Start by walking and disciplined use of myfitnesspal, get yourself used to walking, start short walks first of a couple of miles, then build up, this gets you used to becoming mobile and your weight will start dropping. If you have a friend who will go walking (hiking) with you, great, you can get some great devices like satmap or Garmin, use a website called walkinghighlands and create a profile that will give you access to the paths in your area, you will be amazed quite probably what nice countryside there is around you on your doorstep. Get used to walking, then as the weight drops and you have got used to walking, then bring C25K into play. All these things I have mentioned are only any good if you stick with it. I have shed 4 stone since last March, I can currently run for over 30 mins and run 5k on a flat course in 26M 30s, although I was a fast sprinter as a lad, I could never run distance, I have yet to complete C25K, I will complete it next week. You have all the tools at your disposal all it needs now is determination and willpower to stick with it. YOU CAN DO IT. I am 51 and lived on a diet of Guinnes, Kebabs, chippies for longer than I should have. Good luck, be realistic and set achievable goals, don't get despondent if you don't lose weight as quick as you would like, but a combined regime of exercise and diet and you will succeed.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Control.......that is exactly what C25k gives you. You progress at your own pace, with a brilliantly progressive programme which takes you to a place that at the moment, it seems, that you can't believe you will arrive at. You will. It works. You will feel physical progress in just a couple of weeks and you will probably feel elated even sooner, as the plan delivers success week on week.

I was more than twice your age when I started C25k, having not run for forty years and now feel fitter both mentally and physically than I ever have.

Good luck and keep us posted.

useitorloseit profile image

Lonely? With this lot? Not a hope! Good luck, and just take it slowly. It's not a race, and if it takes you a year to do the 9 week plan, that's fine too. You will feel SOOOOOO much better almost instantly and the effect it will have on your mental wellbeing will be even better than the physical stuff (though that will be good). Make sure you download the podcasts (I hear reports that the app goes wrong a lot) and you're just going to LOVE the cheesy music ....

pinkangel16 profile image

Hi ngm. If I could give you a hug then I would < > .

You are so not alone, so many of us have been where you are now and so many of us are now where you want to be.

And this programme can get you there. Listen to Laura - literally follow her to the t - slowly and steadily - and the next thing you know running has become part of your life.

Yes, it takes some hard work and dedication - but just be brutishly stubborn with yourself - you want it then you'll b****y well get it!

It has turned my life around. Even this evening a neighbour told me I was amazing - wow! That was really nice of her. Over the past 12 months I've lost a stone in weight. You've got more to lose from what you've said, but sticking with this and all those other things you're using to help, you will succeed.

Don't be in any way afraid of others - what you think they might say or think - that really doesn't matter. And I bet what they really think is admiration for you.

I can't admire you enough already - you've made some great first steps - you've done the research, you've made the decision, you've introduced yourself and you've started. Well done.

I wish you all the very best.

:-) xx

Northernspirit profile image

welcome!! no need to be terrified, you have lots of pals on here who have all felt somewhat the same and took that first step....I would never have believed that I would love this running lark so much back in Jan when I got started. It seems all I think about now is when can I run again, is it raining, oooh look at those lovely running pants, how well did I do, can I run a bit faster, ya know, stuff like that every day!! Don't='t overdo it, dieting, running all at the same time, go easy and just make a start :)

runswithdogs profile image

Welcome and happy running. You'll find all sorts of ages, body types and goals here. The common thread is we all support each other. Don't be afraid to post your successes and your struggles - we're here for you.

Noaky12 profile image

Welcome welcome. You will find as much support as you want on here. Everyone is really friendly & whats best is that we've started from the beginning too.

We're all shapes, sizes, ages & from various places with numerous reasons for starting the programme.

We're right beside you all the way x

GettingFitter profile image

Welcome ngm_uk and congratulations on taking that first step. It takes a lot of courage to start but you will get lots of support and encouragement on here. You just need to read some of the posts to see how many people have benefitted from this programme. I don't know who the bright spark was that came up with the programme but they deserve a medal because put simply it works. At the end of 9 weeks you will be able to run non-stop for 30 minutes.

I am sure there will be a few gremlins along the way but ask anything on here and you'll be amazed at how supportive and helpful everyone is.

Well done again for starting and I hope to see lots of posts to let us know how you are getting on.

All the best


no-excuse profile image

Welcome ngm, you have made a brilliant decision. This programme works, stick with it, take things steady, take your rest days. The forum is fantastic for support, laughs, encouragement, motivation, just about everything you could want. Keep posting on here and let us all know how you are getting on. You won't regret it, there are so many positive benefits. Good luck x :-)

AncientMum profile image

Welcome ngm, welcome. I won't repeat all the great advice thr good people who posted before me have given you. I'm just going to say keep posting. Post your successes; post your bad days ( we never say failures); post your questions; post your rants; post pictures of your running shoes; post lots. We'll give you virtual hugs when you're down, cheers when you succeed and motivation when you feel like slacking. We're here for each other and we're here for you. Very very best of luck m'dear. :)

poppypug profile image

Hi NGM, Welcome to the board :-)

Like everyone else has said, please dont feel alone xxx This is a really lovely, safe, supportive place, full of advice and encouragement.

Please dont be shy , post on here whenever you like. There will always be someone that comes along to offer support or just for a chat ....

I wish you all the very best , this programme is life changing, you wont regret it I promise :-) xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image

As you can see we are a happy supportive bunch. We have all been there and you will find lots of really good advice. I have a misfit shine and I love. If you link the two accounts up it can give some great stats and also if you haven't done your steps for the day it starts taking the calories off which is a great motivator I find. Good luck.

Jase44 profile image

Ngm welcome to the mad hatters tea party. You will never be lonely on this forum. Take your time build up slowly. Never push beyond the programme as sticking with Laura will get you running for 30mins none stop. Don't worry about miles that will come eventually. But most of all enjoy yourself. We will motivate you. We will push you when you want pushing and cry with you when you need sympathy but most of all post often and keep us informed how your doing.

You won't realise it yet but this forum is like an extended family. You'll find yourself coming on here often just to have a chin wag it's fantastic.

You have made the biggest step by deciding to do the program so well done 27 runs to go...... You can do it :) J

Pigivi profile image

Welcome - and I won't add anything since everything has been said! XXX

Junew profile image

Hi NGM, just wanted to say welcome, I'm not one for posting daily as I'm too busy reading all the fab posts the guys write on here but one thing I can say that this is the best thing I have ever undertaken for years , you won't regret starting this journey. You will have your good days and bad days but guess what you are human, just remember to pick yourself up and dust yourself down and start again, come on here and we all will be there for you, keep posting x

Potty profile image

Hello NGM :-) can't add anything more to all the lovely advice above except perhaps to share a little of my own experience with you. I started in Jan and graduated 3 weeks ago - the first run of the first week I got through simply because it made me realise how unfit I'd become and how much I needed to do it! I can't remember when I found this lovely bunch but it made such a difference to have the support and advice of similar folk and to be able to share successes and disappointments with people who really knew what it felt like. I, too, was overweight when I started but with a healthy diet and running I have lost 29lb since Christmas :-) very beat of luck to you - post often don't be disheartened - we'll help and support all the way through x

Maturelady profile image

Welcome ngm I can't praise the programme enough and as for this site you couldn't come to a better place. There is NEVER anything someone can't help with. Trust the programme You CAN DO THIS.

Coddfish profile image

Welcome to the forum and delighted to see you are determined to make a change. It won't always be easy but this is a great place for support. Take it a step (a run) at a time, don't worry about speed, and keep posting.

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