...I DID IT! I am now officially a runner after completing the amazing NHS Choices Couch to 5K 9 week running plan.
Despite the weather's attempt to derail me today this evening I managed the final run (Week 9 Run 3) and completed 5K in just over 40 minutes.
At which point I scared half the wildlife and a few dog walkers on the camel trail to quite a celebration including a less than tuneful rendition of ‘Born to Run’ in dubious harmony with Bruce Springsteen.
3 months ago I couldn't run for that cliché bus now I'm thinking of training for next year's Plymouth Half Marathon and fitting in a Race for Life and a 10K event or two between now and then...
The programme is truly amazing, incredibly inspirational and IF I CAN DO IT ANYONE CAN!!!
I can't emphasise enough the difference it has made to my health and in Mental Health Awareness Week (mentalhealth.org.uk/our-wor... which is on the theme of exercise and mental health C25K has been a terrific boost to my overall wellbeing in recent months.
Thanks to everyone in this terrific on-line community for sharing encouragement, support, advice, practical suggestions and your inspirational stories.
What a truly wonderful programme by the NHS!
Now to the next challenge… who thought I’d have so much in common with Angelina Jolie?
I’m still sporting my fab new ‘Couch to 5K GRADUATE’ T Shirt and I’m so proud!
But what am I going to do without Laura? oh yes, Couch to 5K+ yippeee...