Weight loss ??: Hi all, after initially losing a... - Couch to 5K

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Weight loss ??

Emzylou104 profile image
30 Replies

Hi all, after initially losing a stone through diet (mostly pre-c25k) I am interested to know if/when people begin to see weight loss through jogging. I only seem to lose weight through diet at the moment but I'm only a novice starting week 4.

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Emzylou104 profile image
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30 Replies
useitorloseit profile image

I haven't lost a single pound since I started in June 14. I'm feeling 'firmer' though!

ViaM profile image

And I have put one kg on since I started running :P

Emzylou104 profile image

Were you active anyway? I was 17 stone 8lb before and not active. Even work is sitting down at a desk. I enjoy it regardless of weight loss though.

Zev1963 profile image

I am running between 34 and 44 km per week, and am vegetarian. I have gained 1Kg since graduating C25K in nov. I currently weigh almost 68Kg and was 67Kg in nov. My height is 171cm.

Having said that, my shape has changed somewhat. My legs now have visible muscles, and my gut has reduced in size.

So running has not reduced my weight, but it has changed my shape.

More importantly, running has made me feel fitter and more awake. It has also dramatically reduced the effects of colds. Before I started running I was frequently suffering the effects of bad colds, since starting running, I still catch colds but they hardly effect me at all.

Steve_L profile image

You're unlikely to lose weight simply through running. It will help in conjunction with a good diet, but a typical 30 min/5k run simply doesn't burn enough calories to use your glycogen store which you need to do before you start to burn fat.

Looking at my runs, a typical 5k run burns 500-600 calories. Having said that, the (surprising and amazing) 10k I did yesterday burned 1260 calories. I guess long distance, long duration running could get rid of weight.......

Emzylou104 profile image

Interesting! I think I am benefitting from slight re-shaping already. If I keep up with the diet then hopefully the jogging will help to tidy up my body 😀

nhs2015 profile image
nhs2015Graduate in reply to Emzylou104

It will as it is doing it to mine. Don't forget to moisturiser you whole body to keep wrinkles away when you loose weight

vbl247 profile image

I have not lost a single pound through running - only diets work for me in that department. However, I hope I am healthier in general because of it, even if sometimes I only manage one run a week.

PerkP14 profile image

I do lose weight - it might be in conjunction with healthier eating but usually running for me tones my legs up quite a lot and if it's a good enough run I generally don't feel like eating junk food afterwards so I think it's all connected.

But I definitely tone up when I regularly run. The slimmest I've been (10/12) was when I was running in the gym 3-5 times a week for 30-40 mins at a time!


no-excuse profile image

I have lost about 1 stone since running but I think only because now I don't feel like overloading on the eating front and eat more healthily (most of the time!). For me I started to lose more weight once I started the longer runs. Shape has definately changed for the better x :-)

Emzylou104 profile image

Truth be told I am a little disheartened that folk don't seem to be losing weight? Why suffer for no reason. The good thing is that I really feel good after I have been for a run (all be it only 3 minute ones at the moment). I can't comprehend how an almost 17 stone person would not benefit weight loss 😕. Well I want week 9 so I am going to go get it, weight loss or no weight loss. Feel good factor is addictive. xxx

Steve_L profile image
Steve_LGraduate in reply to Emzylou104

Most of us started running to improve our fitness, and now run because we love it! It's simple maths and biology that says that exercise alone doesn't yield weight loss. A 30 minute run is only about 500 calories. Look at the calorific value of foods, and you can see that it would be easy to cut 250 calories a day out of your diet, and that will be the equivalent of a 30 minute run every other day!

Northernspirit profile image

I think the consensus is remodelling / less fat / more muscle hence we all have different outcomes in terms of weight. I don't weigh myself....but I do know my clothes fit better, my face, arms, back are all slimmer, legs getting there too! I want to drop a dress size and am seeing results so don't despair.....run!!!

Emzylou104 profile image
Emzylou104Graduate in reply to Northernspirit

Thankyou for the positivity xxx Much needed this week.

Coddfish profile image

I have lost a few inches from waist and hips since starting running in January. I don't / won't diet but I cook from scratch and always try to eat sensibly anyway. I wasn't inactive before I started running, but as well as the running have added in more swimming and am generally trying to walk more. Weight wise I am overweight but not obese. I will be happy to see a few kilos disappear but am not monitoring it or letting it run my life. Better fitness seems more important to me.

Emzylou104 profile image

I assumed that if what I am eating is keeping my weight constant or losing then jogging would cause more weight loss. If you burn more than you consume then that is logical thinking. So I was surprised that most people are not reporting weight loss. I started jogging to complement a new healthy eating plan in the view to losing weight and becoming healthier and fitter. Only time, patience and determination will tell 😊

I would suggest you use myfitnesspal in conjunction with exercise, I figure I should have an idea having lost 4 stone since last March. I started walking before running, then in November switched to running. Stick with disciplined use of myfitnesspal like C25K and it will work, but you have to use the 2 together.

I have and did lose weight but not just by doing C25K ,I pretty much over hauled my diet also , never weighed myself just went with which hole I can do my belt it in now :D

Lovefood1984 profile image

Haven't lost a jot either (I'm in the overweight camp) but then I'm really bad at dieting and my food intake hasn't changed much since I started. I will agree my figure has got a lot better just through running, like others I toned. Don't despair though, getting off the couch no matter how painful will extend your life even if the weight doesn't come off from running alone and you'll enjoy being that much fitter than before (oh and be warned, this running malarkey is addictive and should come with a health warning ;))

Juliejam profile image

Hi emzylou

Well my story seems something different from the other replies. I agree with the general comments about changing shape- in my case massively. I also found I started loosing weight once I started the longer runs about week 7. After graduation - this increased when I started interval training. I now ensure that at least one run each week is an interval run. Weight is still dropping

I find that the fitter I get , the more I enjoy healthy eating, so the cycle continues , I also find I eat less and binge less. It's really worked for me.

Good luck - don't give up

Ruthieroo77 profile image

Don't forget that upping your exercise will be building muscle. Have a look at this picture, which may explain why the scales don't change but shape does:


I have just completed week 5 and weigh the same as I did in week 1, but my stomach and legs are more toned. Haven't changed my diet, but expect that when I do, I will see some weight loss. Keep going!

rmnsuk profile image

500 calories 3 times a week is the grand total of 6-7 ounces of fat at best. I have lost weight since I started mostly due to controlling calories. The way I see it is that running means that the _occasional_ extra few calories doesn't set me back like it would otherwise. My shape has changed though, so I dunno what it's doing, but it's nice :)

Pollynorris profile image

The early weeks don't burn enough calories to loose weight. As you go further running does help. I combined diet with running. I reduced my calories and quickly learned to get value for my calories, in as much as finding what filled me for longer. Running took me away from food and as I approached week 7 and 8 I sussed the running helped the diet enormously, in that on running days 'myfitnesspal' allowed more calories. Approximately 30 minutes equated to 3 small kitkats, or a big bowl of pasta and sauce, over and above the 3 healthy meals a day I eat.

Having graduated I go easier on myself about food. I don't beat myself up over my weekly chippy night. I don't like to run with food in my stomach so that is less time eating. My weight has remained between 60 and 62kg since last September, even allowing for Christmas, Easter and family celebrations. I am 160 cm, making my weight perfect for me. My shape has changed, becoming firmer and my face never got that gaunt dieters look despite the 25.5kg I lost in 10 months

I'm healthier than I've ever been.

I'd say running has helped my weight loss immensely, but not without making my diet healthier and what's more running has helped stabilise my weight so raiding the kids treats doesn't make much difference at all.

Don't loose faith, and keep with the programme. Where you are is the beginning of the huge difference it can make to your life.

Emzylou104 profile image

Great responses. You have all helped me build a picture of how to continue this journey. Having an up and down week this week and questioning things. Thank you all for your support. Week 4 run 1 tomorrow evening xx

misswobble profile image

Running on its own does not build muscle. It will tone up what muscles you have though, which is a bit of all right int it

I have lost weight because I run. I follow a healthy diet and go to WW class regularly to keep myself in check. If you keep running regularly, walk the dog, go hiking, cycling, swimming etc etc you will lose weight and keep it off. You have to get your eats right at the same time.

By eating healthily and keeping moving you will lose weight. I've kept the lard at bay for five years!

Those runners who gain weight, or stay the same, are replacing the calories lost on a run. If you are wanting to lose weight you don't replace all the calories you lose on the run, only some of them. This is where your healthy eating comes in.

You are only on week 4. You don't need any extra calories on your sessions. You don't need any extra calories until you are running beyond 10 k, which is some way off yet

Enjoy your runs and stick with a healthy eating regime and you'll see the pounds come off. Record your measurements at the same time for comparison later

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to misswobble

Absolutely right MW. A good ballanced diet and plenty of exercise is the thing :)

One thing that crept up on me as I got older was portion size. I noticed that the amount on my plate over the years crept up considerably. I first noticed this when my mother started "Rosemary Connely" diet, which restricts diet with recipes and special scoops that define portion sizes, and includes exercises. It was really the only diet that made her loose weight.

I've just started reducing portion sizes for my regular meals. So instead of a two egg omlette after a run, it's now a one egg omlette. I'll now weigh the spaggetti and pasta sauce for a before run meal, as I know that I always cook too much pasta (it doesnt look very much when you put it in the saucepan :) )

Running is great, it's good for the mind and the body, but we must not be lulled into thinking that it is going to burn heaps of calories. Eat a chocolate bar after a 5km run and you've probably replaced all of the calories you burnt, and then some :)

Having said all of that, better to be a little over weight and running, than stick thin and always on the couch :)

nhs2015 profile image

I think we are on the same page. (Apart from the age probably). I am 68, was classified Obese, joined the NHS program and now am just a touch overweight. I started c25k at the same time but very slowly, with 30 second jogging first and built it up to week one and so on. I am now redoing week 4. One more run and on Monday will start week 5. My husband did no agree as he felt I would hurt myself jogging at my age, but I have no problem. My legs go to jelly a bit but I am doing good and what a change to my life! I can chase my grand daughter, no worries, or play chasy with the dog. I love the jogging and actually wish I could do it more often than Laura's advice of three times a week. I can smell the beach and want to be down there. I think by doing both : NHS and c25k, made my legs firmer and I am not wrinkly (yet). I suppose because the fat goes away but the muscles move in? Keep in touch.

misswobble profile image

Well done peeps!

I am a bit of an anorak now as regards weight loss but I have to keep myself in check, and if weighing rice, pasta, cous cous, porridge and muesli is the price to pay then I'm willing to do it. It only takes seconds and you just get into the habit of it and it becomes second nature. I don't do bars of choc anymore. I just have a piece now and again.

stephenbennyhat profile image

I've lost four stone since January last year. I dieted very carefully for a couple of months until I'd lost a stone or so; then started c25k and went to more "sensible eating" than dieting; then kept on running (340km last month!). I basically transitioned from low-calorie in to high-calorie out. You've got to be realistic about how many calories you're using doing c25k -- 5k running is probably around four hundred calories not much more than a mars bar. But over time this does add up.

(I tediously recorded my running and weight measurements... nbviewer.ipython.org/github...

Emzylou104 profile image

Ok. Great information. Good to have several points of view. I definately appreciate the healthy eating plus exercise. I just wasn't aware of how much exercise is required to burn alot of calories. I am well informed now and am continuing my journey. I am learning a lot more than I bargained for too 😊

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