Hi all, I have just completed week 1, found it hard but coped ok! Has anyone a bit further on in the programme lost weight? I am on a healthy diet too but need to shed the extra pounds having given up the demon called smoking!!! Thanks
Weight loss: Hi all, I have just completed week... - Couch to 5K
Weight loss

I recently have started to lose weight through running - it didn't happen through all of C25K or shortly afterwards though. I think it's because I'm running a lot more now, especially my long runs on Mondays. A normal 30 minute stint of exercise will only burn 4-500 calories, but for example my 10k on Mondays burns 1100-1300 calories. I eat fairly healthily too (pity about the alcohol, though ). In total I'm burning about 4500 or so calories a week.
Diet is more important than exercise for losing weight, but I'm sure you understand that and I don't want to offend you!
I hope so I gave up smoking 18 months ago and put weight on and haven't felt any healthier so hope this kicks me back into shape!
I have lost about 2.5kg since starting to run, but have been doing a fitness class at work on a monday morning and eating a lot more salads at the same time. I am not overweight, just pleased to lose a little of the weightthat has accumulated in mid forties. I think regular exercise coupled with sensible diet, may show some results in due course. Good luck.

A general rule of thumb is that you burn around 100 calories per mile (a bit more if you're heavier than "ideal weight"). It takes 3500 calories to loose a pound of fat. So only 35 miles or thereabouts.
It's not the running on its own that will lead to you losing weight. But as you run regularly, you'll more-or-less-automatically want to eat better because you will realise that every pound you lose will make it easier for you to run. So it will help you maintain the motivation for your current healthy diet.
Also, you will build muscles, and muscles increase your metabolism. So you'll get a bit extra weight loss that way as well.
Thanks guys I am in my fifties have probably never been very fit but for some reason I have got a bee in my bonnet about getting fitter maybe it's an age thing! last chance saloon!

I have been steadily losing weight - now at the end of week 5, but I think it's because committing myself to the programme has made me more aware of everything to do with health and fitness including what I eat. I find it helps to eat something healthy soon after a run to prevent me getting so hungry I eat everything I can lay my hands on! Good luck

I've been losing weight since last june and the running has definitely helped. I'm not great at eating the right things all the time, but persistence pays off. Down 70+ pounds or so, but i'm on holiday drinking Sambuca and Absinthe at the moment so despite doing several 30 minute runs I'm probably putting on a few pounds at the moment. I'll deal with it when I get home !!!
Well done, that's a great incentive and I think everyone needs a break ! Enjoy your holiday!