I need your help fellow runners. I didn't weigh myself before I started c25k so not sure if I have lost any weight. But clothes feel a little better. If I just continue running three times a week will I naturally lose more weight or do I need to get myself on a diet (hate that word) or is running enough. I'm about two stone over weight.
Weight loss????: I need your help fellow runners... - Couch to 5K
Weight loss????

Don't even bother looking at the scales - just buy a dress two sizes too small and try it on every couple of days -- eventually it will fit you -- and then it will become too big!!!!

Weight loss is simple. You just need to use more calories than you take in. Exercise can definitely help with that but only if you don't compensate by eating more for energy. I believe my fitness pal helps you to work out the right balance.

This is from the same site as c25k and is not a 'diet'but a weight loss plan to help you to lose weight slowly, change eating habits and keep the weight off.
There is a forum like this as well. I think you need to do something other than running to lose weight but once you have it will help you maintain. Good luck

I didn't start running to lose weight but I have lost about half a stone, most of that after graduating and have found that my diet has changed slightly. I think the running has just made me focus a bit more on what I am eating (and drinking!). So, I find I just make a few changes here and there to make what I do eat that bit healthier. I just thought if I continued to eat rubbish it would make all the hard work put into running a waste of my time. The 'myfitnesspal' app is worth a look too,- if you don't use that already- it has just made me think a bit more about healthy eating and nutrition rather than 'going on a diet' x

One thing to watch out for is the trap of increasing what you eat because you've been for a run. My weight has plateau'd despite running 3 times a week, and I'm pretty sure that its because of this.
Sensible eating and exercising 3 times a week and you'll find a gradual change in shape is VERY likely! Good luck! And, remember, muscle weighs more than fat so the plateaus could be as you build up those leg muscles too... the real test is the clothes...

Thank you all. Think I need to look at what I'm eating in more detail. Had anyone noticed though once graduated that weight comes off ??

I agree with Ullyrunner. You really need to keep a track of your daily calorie intake. I also use the myfitnesspal app. I weighed 12 stone 7lb at the start of c25k and, according to my BMI, I was about 8lb over my ideal weight. I decided to lose a stone and get down to 11 stone 7lb. I set the app to lose 1lb a week and it gave me a max daily calorie intake to achieve that goal. In 4 weeks I've lost 8lb, double my target goal of 1lb a week which is probably down to c25k as well as keeping an eye on my daily calorie intake.

You will lose weight if you keep running three times a week. You have to eat healthily though but I think you will want to now that you are a runner and want to be in the best shape to make life easier for yourself. It's easier to run if you're not weighed down by too much ballast, and there's less strain on everything. I lost two pounds last week and I've not been running because of injury, so I think my metabolism must have kept going, which is a relief! LOL Eat well, but healthily, keep running and the weight will shift.

Thank you. You are all so helpful. Where would I be without all your words of wisdom

i find the map my run brilliant as it tells you how many calories you have burned each run. On Saturday i used 462 when i did my run and usually i average 440ish so times that by three runs per week and that is around one days worth of calories burned. I try to not over eat cos i have used that amount and i have, slowly, without dieting but eating healthily, lost almost a stone and feel loads better and clothes fit nicely now. I guess if you were on a diet as well as running you would loose weight more quickly. I just run really cos i enjoy it, want to be fitter and to maintain my weight not really to loose weight. Having said that i still fall in the overweight bracket by a few pounds but as i am older don't want to end up looking haggered!!!!! Having a bit of fat irons out me wrinkles!!!!! lol
Thank you carerof. Good advice. Wow how far do you run to use that many calories?

My Runkeeper App tells me that this year so far, I have run 73 times, for a total of 310 klms ( that's just over 4 klms per run average) and in doing so have consumed 22,875 calories - there are about 7100 calories in a kg of butter( which is mostly fat) so that means I have lost around 3Kg of fat (weight) . This lines up roughly with what my scales say - as I have lost about 3.5 KG this year without really changing my diet at all ( in other words I am eating and drinking as much as I usually do) . However - in spite of only losing less than 4 Kg, my waist size has reduced by 7 inches.
I think this goes to show that for those who need to lose large amounts of weight, it is going to take a long time using exercise alone. Running 300 klms is not easy - just for 3Kg of weight loss and most people I know who are "dieting" would not/could not do that. Personally, I think it is the soft drinks , sweets and alcohol which are the things to be avoided today to lose weight - and the fatty fast foods and restaurant food. .

It's a tricky one, lots of people on here report huge weight losses but I think it depends how much you have to lose and your eating habits. I didn't lose weight just by running until I was training for a half marathon and running well in excess of 20 miles a week but I wasn't really overweight and I wasn't watching what I ate at all. A couple of years on and I could do with losing half a stone so have started to track what I eat on My Fitness Pal just to make healthier choices and portion control. Like you I am unwilling to diet and am unconvinced of their worth in the long run - that's just my opinion! By the way, the very rough rule of thumb is 100 calories burnt for every mile travelled and that is the same whether you run it or walk it. But running keeps your metabolism raised for longer so has a slight edge over walking.