I was extremely nervous about this run and thought of every excuse under the sun not to go out this morning. But I did it! And it wasn't too bad. In fact I could probably have kept going for a little bit longer! I am starting to believe that I can do this now. What an amazing feeling!
Week 5 Run 3: I was extremely nervous about this... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3

Isn't it fantastic? Well done, and keep on. I'm starting week 8 tomorrow, and I remember that 20 minute run being daunting, but it was the most wonderful feeling to complete it. I think it provoked the biggest grin so far!

Believe it! This was the big one and you did it, congratulations!

Well done. I have this run in Thursday and am dreading it. Hope mine is as successful x

Don't be nervous! It's just walking and running. Nothing complicated. Set out to enjoy it. It's ok to have a good time. This is fun!
As long as you go slowly enough and don't exhaust yourself you should get through it ok. The trouble only really starts if you try and go too fast

You can do it!!! Believe it!!! It's brilliant isn't it!!! Well done!!
I don't suppose you could be my proxy and come and run day 3 week 5 for me?
Way to go!!! Well done you

Yippee! This is the run where you get that breakthrough....you know you can do it now! Well done and keep going

Fantastic - I remember feeling euphoric - 'You can do it' now.

Well Done! Just noticed you're within 1km of me - in Norfolk? Big run under your belt. Hope wk6 is going OK.