The continuing saga of shoes...: First my... - Couch to 5K

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The continuing saga of shoes...

Curlygurly2 profile image
35 Replies

First my Asics 2000s wore out after only 300 KM, I returned them to the shop where they agreed they had never seen wear on shoes quite like this, but SOLD me another pair of shoes while they waited to see if Asics would refund me my money. This was about 6 weeks ago...

These were Brooks Adrenalin, my "magic" shoes which I really loved until they brought my foot up in an enormous lump...I returned those last week and the shop swapped them for the same shoes in the men's version, telling me they were still waiting to see if Asics would refund my money, but also informing me that they had cut the tongue out of MY old shoes on Asics instructions. I wore the men's shoes a couple of times, and didn't find them any better... by now I was losing patience, so back to the shop I went...I insisted that they give me a refund on the Asics shoes which they eventually did, but at the same time informing me they wouldn't be able to do anything about the Brooks shoes because I had worn them outside...I tried the Brooks shoes again against my better judgement and they still hurt so I went back to the shop again today, where the manager tried to tell me I was not entitled to a refund because she had GIVEN me the Brooks shoes in replacement for the Asics shoes...luckily I always keep receipts. I had to go home again to get it (are you getting the feeling she was taking the piss a bit now?)

So, finally I have all my money back but NO shoes...I went to another sport shop in town which was shut due to a power cut...GGrrrr

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Curlygurly2 profile image
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35 Replies
Toonlou24 profile image

Oh no. What a nightmare for you. I have brooks adrenaline. What went wrong?? I love mine. When I bought mine he did say they were discontinuing them. Hopefully not because of a fault. At least you have your money back. Better get shopping!!!

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Toonlou24

The seam at the bottom of the tongue cut into my foot..I loved them until that happened..

Toonlou24 profile image
Toonlou24Graduate in reply to Curlygurly2

What a shame. I can understand that actually. I have a high instep apparently, and I find I get a little hole where the tongue isn't wide enough under laces. I ve got the knack of putting them on to help it now. Hope you find some good new ones that suit you better.

no-excuse profile image

What a palaver! I'm pleased you got your money back though, and I hope you can get something sorted soon. How frustrating for you x :-)

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to no-excuse

\me too! No running for me until I get something..

old_git profile image

Sorry to hear about your shoes, hope you get sorted soon!

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to old_git

Thanks, me too! I want yours!

Madge50 profile image

Oh curly that's not good, but at least you got your money back, I hope you give advance performance a try, I hope it wasn't them with the power cut! I'm resting for a few days now, got a sore calf muscle, did 10k with a bit of oomph last weds, then did PR on sat, calf a bit niggly , but upped the tempo a bit, (got a PB) had sore calf and hip, hip better, but calf still a bit sore, went out this morning, only managed about 4k, had to stop as calf getting more painful, so will be volunteering at PR this week, may try a run next week - Tues maybe - if soreness gone. Doh!


Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Madge50

I looked at Advance performance on line I see they charge £25 if you don't buy shoes - what happens if they don't have anything suitable? Apparently I'm "difficult"..Sorry to hear about your aches and pains, but congrats on your PBs. I've got a miserable cold, went out yesterday before I returned the shoes, only managed about 2.5. I might volunteer too, if I don't get any shoes before then...

Madge50 profile image
Madge50Graduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Who said you're difficult? I am sure the guys at advance performance will do their best to help, they're all runners too, they won't sell you anything you don't need, and I think you get the £25 back as a voucher towards shoes from there. Have a chat with them, I never got the impression that I had to buy, they spend a lot of time with you too, trying loads of shoes, inside and outside, so the £25 for at least an hour with them is quite reasonable I think. Maybe wait until you are feeling better. But I would still highly recommend them.

Look after yourself.


Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Madge50

I'm going to give Up and Running a go today, they were very helpful last week when I asked to try on shoes explaining I wouldn't be buying until I had got the refund from the others. It's the lump on the top of my foot that makes fitting shoes difficult - (thanks "Brooks Adrenaline") Their gait analysis is free. AP will charge IF you don't buy shoes, if they don't have shoes that will fit a voucher won't be much use lol! I will give them a go though if Up and Running can't help.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Curlygurly2

And, go on, make me green with envy, what was your PB on Saturday?

AdamB profile image

Look at the positives in this. You now know of one running shop you won't be going to again.

Don't rush into buying a new pair just because there's only one shop open. Take your time and find somewhere that's happy to make the effort to work out what you really need. You know that, in the long run, it will be worth getting right.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to AdamB

Yes I know that, but I'm kinda running out of time...This shop was helpful too until I had a problem...I go back to France in few weeks and really need some shoes I can trust before I go.. and I want to go for a RUN!!!

suel18 profile image

What a pain. At least you have your money back. Good luck hunting down a new pair There must be some decent shops that will help you out nearby.

That'll be a run to look forward to. New Shoes xxx

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to suel18

I really hope so, I can't be the only one with weird feet!

Buffy007 profile image

Flipping heck - what a tale. Whereabouts in France do you run / live / holiday - lucky you.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Buffy007

I have a house in Cordes - Sur - Ciel, it's near Toulouse/Albi. Looks like Mont Sant Michelle, very hilly! I live there for most of the summer, come home to Cambridge for winter x

Janglyshe profile image
JanglysheGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Been there for a weekend a few years ago. A lovely spot. Very envious.

Buffy007 profile image
Buffy007Graduate in reply to Curlygurly2

How exquisite. Sounds the perfect existence. We used to live / work in Cambridge and Ely and know C-sur-C very well too - our stomping ground. Hope to see you out there one day! Excellent summer training on all those hills. Stunning. Hope you get your shoes sorted - not many Sweatshops in Cordes!

IannodaTruffe profile image

So Curly is about to become a barefoot runner?

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Gawd NO! I saw someone running on the concrete promenade in Spain with no shoes, I couldn't even walk n it!

Think i would have had a few choice words to say by now Curly, double bummer ,back to the drawing board shoe wise :D hope you get sorted soon with shoes that suit you , dont hurt and have that "magic" feel again :D

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to

Yes I was quite insistent on my refunds! At least though, my shoes haven';t cost me anything so far and I've been running for 9 months! I'm beginning to feel though that there's nothing out there for me... :-(

GettingFitter profile image

What a pain in the **** hope you find some that suit you soon Curly !

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to GettingFitter

Pain in the foot lol!

poppypug profile image

Oh poor you Curly xxx

Youre having a right mare with these piggin' shoes arent you ?

I really hope you get sorted soon :-) xxx

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to poppypug

Hopefully three rotten pairs means the next ones will be great.... I hope!

the_tea_fairy profile image

Are you wide across the toes? Mine are really broad with narrow heels (lots of walking barefoot, I think. And maybe being part Hobbit.) and I run in Nike Free on the road and Salomon Fellraisers in the hills. I like both, but they're both low-drop/minimalist type things so may not suit. The Nikes are the same size as my normal shoes, and the Fellraisers are 1 size bigger than I wear for not-running.

Hope you get sorted soon: sounds a right pain!!

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to the_tea_fairy

Not particularly broad, it's a lump on the top. I didn't have that until the Brooks...

misswobble profile image

Waiting to see if Asics would refund your money hmmm. I feel sure the Sale of Goods Act says the contract is between you and the shop, so the shop should give you the refund. Getting the credit back from Asics is their problem.

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to misswobble

Yes, I said that to her..." my contract is with you as the retailer" "yes".

You've agreed my shoes were not fit for purpose. "yes"

"You've destroyed my shoes" "Yes, but we have to wait for Asics to credit us before we can refund you" etc etc... Another shop told me the suppliers will always give credit to shops, it's part of the deal...

I used to be in retail so I know the law, I was impressed with their helpfulness to start with... I lost my rag last week ... I felt she was a small person who doesn't get much chance to get her own way in normal life...A cross Curly is not a pretty sight, ask my husband lol!

Bazza1234 profile image

I have just bought a pair of Scecher GoRun4 In Honolulu. They are Very comfortable and light with a 4 mm heel to toe drop. I do suspect however that their outer soles won,t last long on the roads. I doubt that I will get anything like 300 klm out of them. Currently running on treadmill every day - I run to a set HR and it is hard work on a rolling ship

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Graduate in reply to Bazza1234

I really need something that is up to road running, I don't have the opportunity to run on any other surface really.

Curlygurly2 profile image

Thanks Kitty, I did try some Saucony's they were too big in the toes, no pleasing some people eh? I think I might end up with Asics again at least they didn't hurt...

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