Run 2 week 1 done today and feeling proud, achy legs but not as bad as I thought. Still can't imagine running 5k...feels hard already. I've never run before, and don't see myself as a runner type, but there's something very appealing about it. Hate all the gym faff. Need to keep motivated!
Phew: Run 2 week 1 done today and feeling proud... - Couch to 5K
welld one none of us considered ourselves as "runners" before and when we start C25K it does take a while to sink in but it will and you will hopefully enjoy it as much as we all do
Thanks for that - I'm keeping going
great dont worry about the weeks in advance or the 5k .. concentrate on just completing each timed run and eventually you will get there slow and steady, softly softly catchy monkey and all that lol
Think bananas help with ache legs, or have a cold bath to help the muscles, just something that I was told, good on you, I went for my 2nd run tonight feels good, I come home from work put my running stuff straight on and went straight out.
Thanks for enouraging words, really helps. I've got my running stuff by the bed so there's no excuses or searching round / procrastination is my specialist subject when it comes to exercise. Will let you know how run 3 goes on Thursday!
Think we all have at least a GCSE [ O, level in my case] in are doing great!
Well done! You've made a great start. Trust the program, you will amaze yourself with what you can do.