I was sat in bed this morning nursing a bit of a hangover (following an evening round the firepit with friends and mulled wine :-)) reading the recent posts and thought yes, you are an inspirational lot. And I just love the sharing of everyone's tales - Dan and his new job and morning runs, Spoonie overcoming health issues, Miss W's first parkrun, other's parkruns, JJ's mad massage, Vix training for her next challenge, someone struggling with week 7, graduations, new comers etc etc
I hadn't run since Monday due to a cold, but after reading this morning I made the most of a break in the weather and hauled myself out of bed for a run (a not too shabby 5k - really had to push myself mind - at 4k I go past my house so I really forced myself to go on and do that other k - was pretty chuffed with myself for doing that).
Congratulations to all graduates and well done to all newcomers and good luck to everyone doing the programme.
Hope you all had a good weekend and have a great running week.