2 weeks in the medic ship and finally I was cleared for active duty, onwards in the fight to over throw the evil Emperor Palpatine, while keeping my Jedi powers a secret, lest I get rounded up and killed like many before me. For now we must keep our powers secret, though I hear tell of a young warrior powerful in the ways of the force ... I hope for a New Jedi Order....
Erm Ooops I battle zombies not stormtroopers....
Erm not so much zombie battling has been going on either....
But today I ran
Yes I finally made it off of the sick sofa and got out there. I made the decision yesterday and had my kit laid out ready, I debated taping my knees and decided that they felt fine so wouldn't need it.
This morning I woke up and rather than raring to go I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep, my back really ached and my knee was saying 'ouch ouch ouch honest I hurt ouch don't go out'.
I looked out the window, I looked at the weather app, I looked out the window again. Grey but not raining, weather forecasts doom laden. I decided it was now or never.
Ok Ferd we are off (battle dress had of course been put on), chilly but ok. Right we've not done this for two weeks, can I still do it? Short route cause part of that two weeks involved me not being able to breath at all well and a rather reduced peak flow, of course naughty head gremlin said we could alway extend it of we felt ok.
Warm up done and off we start, tracking app but otherwise unplugged. One foot in front of the other - oh I remember we can do this. Felt fine, felt great. Ferd had a great time swiming, there were a few dog related stops but otherwise fine.
Erm I er think we should cut it even shorter Ferd or there might be an embarrassing incident, oh no shortcut field has horses in - abort abort - on we go. Thankfully no embarrassing incidents occurred just keep concentrating. Run. We get home sooner if we run. And run we did.
I did 2 miles, I could have easily have done 3 miles or longer if you know circumstances had allowed but I am glad I was good and stuck to the original plan.
I then got a nice surprise from runkeeper apprently I ran -00.35 from 1-3 mile best time woohoo and there was me thinking I was going extra slow.
So moral of the story don't worry if you've been on the sick sofa or injury couch you can still totally do it.