So this was my first run since January 15th . (CORRECTION, IT WAS JANURY 7TH !
My activity on the 15th was a 4k walk )
I just haven't been in the right place to run !
And for those who have had a break I'm sure you know it's not easy to start again .
The Gremlins have had 24 days to work on their script !
And yes, they had perfected it (well, almost !)
If was around 10:30 as I was sat there on the couch staring aimlessly out of the window thinking it looks a nice day !
And that was all it needed !
My next thought was , so why are you sat staring out of the window ?
Go and run !
Then you start thinking but I haven't run in 24 days , I won't be able to do it .
But the truth is that if I leave it another 24 days I'll be even less likely to be able to do it .
So , kit on and out of the door !
I couldn't decide if to do 3.5 or 5k
But I thought be sensible and do 3.5.
I'm more likely to complete it without problems and therefore more likely to go again in a couple of days and do 5k.
So that's what I did .
It felt so good to run again .
And of course i feel much better having done it !
I actually felt that I could have done 5k without a problem, but just decided to be sensible.
I did not even look at my watch until I knew I was around the 3.5k mark (I know the route well !) It was actually in 3.49 when I looked at my watch , so not a bad guess .
So, I'm already feeling in a better place !
And happy to have been out there again π