Well after much thinking , over a couple of wine & sodas last night I decided to go , I'm glad I did . We didn't walk far yesterday to check things out in theafternoon it was far too hot , so I got up at 6.20 am & thought I'll go on my gut instinct while I'm out there , I'm glad I went . I discovered after only a few mins I was in a lovely area with roads houses a couple of shops , dog walkers & a couple of runners . It was lovely I ended up in Icmeler centre ran there & back it covered 5k . I thought we where ages away from the centre but turns out we are not . Really enjoyed it & will be doing it. Again this week . 5k in 33.29 happy running folk .
Morning run: Well after much thinking , over a... - Couch to 5K
Morning run

I knew you'd rick it Rockette Well they do say fortune favours the brave! So well done to you for being brave. Enjoy your hols

These early morning runs are the best.
Maybe no gym at the hotel turned out to be a blessing in disguise!
Happy running and enjoy your holidays.
Yes that's what it was , a blessing in disguise . I can't believe how running as altered my life , for the better . Like you I can't imagine getting out my bed last year at this time for a walk never mind a run
! I've seen lovely views on my run what I wouldn't have laid in mi bed . X

Well done Rockette, and such a great time for 5K. I hope you continue to have a great holiday and find some good places to run. Have a few wines for the rest of us whilst you are there!

That's the way to do it!

Well done you that's great and a good time too
Great run - fantastic time! Nothing quite like a holiday run in the morning to set you up for a perfect day! Enjoy!

Yes the day is better for it . Running certainly changes you & for the better .

Sounds lovely - great run and great start to the day

Ooh lovely. Running is like a drug isn't it? We can be very creative at finding ways to do it! Enjoy your running and the holiday.

Sounds lovely Rockette, and there is something really special about getting up early while on holiday and going for a run.You see things from a very different perspective. A year ago I'd never ever imagine I would be writing those two sentences !!!
Have a great holiday and enjoy every minute

Good for you Rockette. Icmeler is very nice too and I should think at that hour would be blissful

Nice one rockette. Stay safe now - yer hear?`!