when the cats woke me up for food this morning there was a lovely sunrise so that inspired me to get my act together and get out. No wind so we headed beachward. All of the recent chat about the updated C25K must have been in my mind because en route I realised I was doing the iconic W5R3 run route in reverse. I decided to relive the experience just to see how it compared to the original,although as previously mentioned, the inconsiderate building work that means the route is closed unless you go via the pebbly beach😡 Usually I hit the pebbles early on the route but in reverse it’s towards the end - oof that was hard! But what was interesting to compare was how much more distance I covered in 20 mins since those days - although I don’t really do times / speed it was obvious how much I have progressed in terms of pace.
All in all a pleasing run and I extended the old W5R3 to 30 minutes.
My aim is to get out for three runs this week 😊