If someone had said to me at the beginning of April that by the end of June I'd be able to run for half an hour I would have laughed at them! Now I'm laughing at myself with pure exhilaration because I CAN!! I have just completed week 9 run 3!!!! I can run!!! I was inspired by a friend who did C25K and have also inspired 3 of my friends to start the challenge too. Judging by the number of people out pounding the streets on a nightly basis, I'd say this running lark might catch on!!
I've done it!!!! Waaaahoooooo!: If someone had... - Couch to 5K
I've done it!!!! Waaaahoooooo!

Congratulations and a massive well done Don't forget to apply for your 'Graduate badge'

Congratulations and very very well done. It's a great feeling isn't it

Well done C-bird, that's fantastic! Enjoy your running x

Congratulations on graduating. Happy running!!!

Fantastic achievement, well done you! And great that you've been able to encourage your friends to get involved.
What will you do now? Zombies like Spoonie? Park runs? B210k???

Congratulations! It does feel amazing doesn't it? Well done for inspiring others to take up the challenge.

Well done! I just finished too, it's great, and no , I wouldn't have believed I could do this back in April. Good luck for the future!

Isn'tit awesome, this running thing. I still have a few weeks to go, but you've inspired me to make sure I finish the course. Well done!

Congratulations, fantastic achievement!

Woohoo! Congratulations! It's a great accomplishment You're post is inspiring.

Big congrats to you, such a fantastic achievement. Good lucky and happy running.