That there is a picture of a coot for Miles_Yonder
Picture found via the wonders of google.
So finally I have settled on my post graduate plan, or at least what I am doing for the next four weeks. I have decided that I want to concentrate on 5k and being able to consistently run it and improve my time a smidge. I will then decide how to progress the plan further.
So what is my baseline? Well my first offical timed 5k was at a parkrun and I did it in 40 minutes 46 seconds.
My second parkrun time was 41 minutes and 58 seconds, I did walk a lot on that run, but hey that's allowed I was out there doing it, I wasn't feeling great so I took my time. Going out is never a failure.
Right so what am I doing? I am using the zombie app with zombie chases turned on, when I zombie is chasing me I have to speed up by 20% for up to a minute to evade the zombies. It doesn't matter if I don't manage it, oh and I don't know when the zombies are going to chase me.
Each week will still consist of three runs:
Run 1 - the long run, no set distance target just my long route and I will slowly try to increase the distance
Run 2 - the short run but finishing with my nemesis
Run 3 - the park run, or a 5k if I can't get to a park run.
So today
We set off later than normal and after a really rough nights sleep that even had me hugging an ice pack. The running belt on my last run was not my friend. I was in such a tizz about getting there on time I never adjusted it properly and I ended up with two nasty grazes on either side and I think the bit with my phone and car keys jammed itself just under my ribcage I feel very bruised and last night I was just painfully uncomfortable (a fab time to have realised I haven't ordered my repeat prescription of pain killers). Anyway so rubbish sleep but I went out anyway.
First task was to relace my trainers to see if a differnt lacing option would at least help while I am working out just how I am meant to afford a new pair of trainers (didn't help, will google more options).
Second task work out where to sit my belt so it was comfortable, I got there in the end around half way through my run I settled on low on my hips and ahem tucking the belt under my belly wobble.
Warm up walk, pass the horses (I swear one might be a zombie horse) and then it's time to set battle dog free and the zombie app going.
And we're off. Nice and steady.
I didn't manage chase one, I distracted the zombies by dropping some supplies.
It was hard work in places but I was determined to not walk, I started counting when ever felt myself wanting to give in to the walk gremlin. It worked. I wasn't counting steps or anything just literally counting to 100 and then repeat as required.
Dog related stop required, canal coming up and Ferd has to go back on the lead. We pass a man with two Shouty terriers. On we go, I run (slowly) up the embankment, now on the two path, a short walk required to navigate cyclist and ducks.
FERD NO has he tries to pull me into the canal.
Off we go again
Pass another dog walker and another walk as I navigate my way past fishermen.
On we go.
I know I can make it to the next bridge, I know I can make it to the lock, I know I can make it to the next lock. That's the furthest I've been before but I want to get to the next bridge it not far.
I make it.
39 minutes 14 seconds
Av. Pace 7.11 min/km
Zombie chases 3 (1 failed)
Really pleased with today's run.
And what a lovely way to celebrate my mums birthday - getting out and putting that gift of determination she gave me to good use.
5 years ago we learnt her breast cancer had returned, shortly after my wedding. The following year it was time to say goodbye, she never reached her 70th birthday. But throughout her life of arthritis, operations, and cancer she taught me to battle on, to not let my illnesses limit me, respect my illnesses yes, but ultimately to push and keep going.
Happy 74th mummy, oh yeah and you know that time you looked in the mirror and were shocked to see your mum staring back at you, OMG it's happened to me, which is actually awesome after the initial shock because you rocked.