I've been to Wales this week and should have run yesterday but was too tired from driving. This morning I thought ok stepping stone podcast awaits. Started off fine 5 mins in and I hadn't noticed the time going, next 5 mins also good, speed up next 15 mins were okay then Laura says ok let's finish on a high, ramp up speed (pace 7.5 mph) faster than I ever did in C25K, 2 mins in and breathing badly, feeling too hot and have to slow down, next 2 mins at 6mph and finish off 1 min at 7mph because there's always something left in the tank.
So I'm a bit disappointed the head gremlins got to me but then again the wise words from Laura come back
"A bad run is better than no run at all" and she's right. c25k got me running, I am a runner and now I want to consolidate, so what if I didn't make it at speed at least I made it which is something 9 weeks ago I couldn't have imagined.
The sun is shining, it's Friday, the world cup is on and I ran for 30 mins
Happy running all