This is the glorious moment just before the finishing line where although a man, far superior in years beat me, Mrs Dan was there to capture her "running husband" coming home in 58'59 at the Turks Head 10K Fun Run!! YAY!
10K piccie: This is the glorious moment just... - Couch to 5K
10K piccie

Hey well done and great piccy!! I am sure Mrs Dan was very proud! Looked hot out there! HM coming your way soon ?? Have a great week!
HM??? What's my name? Carole01? Juicyju? !!!!! Maybe one day......

Wow. You look so happy! Super photo! Congratulations. I'm sure you'll beat that old timer next time out...

You are looking so chuffed with yourself... and remarkably cool if I may say so
Looks like a warm day down there and you are not even dripping sweat as far as I can see. Must be getting ever so fit Dan, a massive well done!

Well done what an achievement. Great time and great piccie. I bet when you were out injured and going through physio you thought you would never get there, but here you are.
58'59 ~ now, that is impressive!! Did you start on the C25K programme, and if so, were you a complete beginner when you started, or were you a bit-of-a-runner before?
I am a grad, and I am now re-doing it to support the Mrs as she starts running and rowing, so I find the idea of moving on to 10K daunting and yet strangely tempting.
Good luck with any other runs you have, but I'm not convinced that a 10K should be asociated with the words, 'fun run'.
Yes I started a year ago. Never ever ran before and I thought as I'd turned 50 I should do something about my fitness. FAst forward a year and thats me in the pic!! Amazing!
If you increase distance very very slowly and run at least 3 times per week, your fitness levels just get better and better. Go for the 10K!!
Impressed. I shall bite the bullet and go for it...ever-so-slowly.

Great pic! Now everyone will know what you look like and recognise you! Good that you had a good fun run 10K! Yey! I'm building to that steadily and surely

Steadily and surely is the only way to do it if you're a mere mortal!
You could do it Sallycycle! You just have to keep running that bit further each run and exercising in between to get your body stronger so you can go the distance without hurting your legs/ankles/hips etc
Well done Dan the Man!!!!! You look the personification of Coolio to me. Look at that. Hardly broken sweat! Well done. Well done to Mrs Dan too as behind every successful man ................. well you know that don't you. Did you have delicious tea and cakes afterwards?

Good time Dan; looking cool!
That's a fab pic - well done you, you're quite an inspiration. I've only just started out and am constantly thinking I can't do it but after reading your updates it kinda spurs me on. Thank you x

Fantastic, well done and a great pic for the album

Oh fab I can see photographs again! Congratulations!

Absolutely Brilliant, Dan! What a great time, and in that heat, too! Mrs Dan must be immensely proud and I hope that you carry on giving us these wonderfully inspirational posts. My 10K is 6 weeks away, but I am still on the injury couch (still can't pluck up the courage to get a foam roller!) Hoping to get back into training on Wednesday, and looking forward to a massage from Mr. Treemouse this evening. (Proper sports massage...unfortunately he's very professional about such matters! )

Well done Dan. What a great time and you do not look tired/hot or sweaty!

Brilliant Dan! Well done indeed; think it was the weekend for first time racers... Wish I looked half as fresh as you when I finished my race on Sunday! C25K has a lot to answer for getting us 50 year olds out in the midday sun!
YAY Superdan, i must have missed your post! well done on your time - great photo!!!

Well done Dan

Not only 10k, but a sub-hour 10k to boot. Not quite there myself at 1:02, but it will come soon.
Well done indeed sir!

Well done dan xxx

Fabulous pic!