This morning ran round local park Was just taking it quite easy , no pressure as back of thighs little achy after running in mud at Sundays runs. Set up phone for 40 mins , sun shining so really enjoying . At end left park and went on path that takes me home checked my time and saw only had run for 30 mins . Oops never done that before so ok I'll just run another 10 mins - no problem and THEN suddenly remembered I had parked car at gym as I shower there before Pilates class on a Tuesday. I have never forgotten where I had left car before . Pilates girls ( non runners) said its an age thing but I like to think I've finally found the Zone
In the zone or a senior moment what do you think? - Couch to 5K
In the zone or a senior moment what do you think?
It's happened to me a couple of times wish it would happen more often .
Didn't really feel any different but obviously ins was somewhere else rockette
Lol. Oh yes, you've found the zone
Definitely in the Zone. When you are really enjoying something all else goes out of your mind - it's happened to me at times. Carry on enjoying - plenty of time for senior moments when you get old. Best wishes.
Zone 1 age 0 thanks kitty
If it was me, I'd say age (I know the daft stuff I do) but as it's you, definitely the Zone.
I find fit in body - fit in mind. Don't you find that a relaxing 40 minute run helps clear the brain of all the rubbish and you feel more relaxed and clear thinking. If you hadn't been running you would probably still be looking for the car.
I wondered why I could never find the car, running or not?