I'm on W7R2 all 25mins run. I had to stop and walk today which was annoying. I did my last run OK, but left 3 days before this one. I also feel like I'm getting a cold so wondered if that's why.
Does anyone else have days where they have to ... - Couch to 5K
Does anyone else have days where they have to stop and walk?

I think the last few weeks of C25k are very demanding. You are still building up your stamina and cardio vascular fitness and running continuously, which requires a lot of mental strength. I did a lot of teeth gritting in those weeks, just to keep going, but of course it is eventually worth it, A cold can have a dramatic effect on your running and can take a long time before you get back to your best afterwards, so don't beat yourself up about it. Try to run a bit slower, especially on the first run of each week and slowly find your pace on each run after a slow start.
You are nearly there and have come such a long way, so stick with it. Good luck.

I always find that during the first five minutes I "absolutely have to stop and there's no point continuing doing this", but if I keep going then I soon get through that and feel fine; then after about 15-20 minutes (when I stop feeling "fresh") I think "I've got to stop and walk, if I don't then I'll not be able to get home", but if I keep going through that then I'm fine for as long as I've run (which for me is about 75 minutes). There are a couple of "mental barriers" but its worth slowing down a little, taking a few deeper breaths and pushing on. Of course your mileage may vary!
I've had to stop and walk (strangely enough, since graduation!) but then I find it difficult to get going again - it's easier if I can push through and keep going. If you have a cold that would affect your running. I'm a wimp - first sign of a sniffle and I tuck myself up in bed with a hot toddy! Week 7 is challenging as it's the first full week that you are running continuously which, as Laura says on the podcast, can seem quite relentless. If you can push through you may find that weeks 8 and 9 will be marginally easier as you get used to the longer runs. Good luck and best wishes.

Hi, last week I really struggled through my runs but didn't know why. A couple of days later I came down with a bad cold... Coincidence? Could be but I don't think so!