Completed the programme in April 2012 but work/injuries prevented me from going on so am now on Week 2 run 1 and it's so much harder than I remember!!!! Two years older I suppose!!!
So hard second time round!!: Completed the... - Couch to 5K
So hard second time round!!

I am sure it will get easier. All my life I have had phases where I have been quite good at doing fitness things, gym, swimming etc and other periods when I have slobbed out. I am just beginning week 8 and started this about two years after my last lapse, it was gym attendance in my case. I certainly found the first couple of weeks the hardest, though come to think of it week 6 and 7 were hard, actually let's face it, it has all been hard. Even so, I predict that in a week or two your body will reluctantly start to remember what it is supposed to be doing and you will be back to long runs in no time.

Its not harder the second time round its familiar, you know whats coming so there are no surprises. Take it steady and don't be tempted to miss runs later on in the program, you need to do them to build up your strength and stamina. I've done C25K 3 times now due to injuries and illness laying me off for 3 months each time, it doesn't get any easier but it just goes to prove how addicted we become to this running malarkey. Good luck you can do it, just keep telling yourself its like riding a bike, once learned never forgotten

I concur - the fact that you are trying it again is proof enough. I started again this year after two years off through injury and it is tough. Did a Parkrun in the sun yesterday with a kneestrap on and felt soooooooo good when I completed it (the buzz that gets runners hooked I guess). I used to hate - and I mean hate running - it's all about putting the F into RUN and making it FUN.
Keep at it - think of all the positive things it is doing for your mind and body!

I'm back too and yes it's hard but it is doable and sure you'll get there. I keep reminding myself that there is no rush. Repeating runs is ok and going slow is ok. It's the getting up and doing it that is great

Thanks all - Did a 10k in June 12 in 69 mins but haven't ran since am on week 2 now and have got the bug back - Aiming for a half marathon in sept - is this doable?