Injury woes!: I'm currently sitting here... - Couch to 5K

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Injury woes!

yonda1960 profile image
15 Replies

I'm currently sitting here wondering just when I'll be able to run again. I graduated on Wednesday 9th April, and for my first post graduation run last Friday chose the stepping stones C25K+ podcast. All went well on the run and I managed to shave 30 seconds off my best 5k time. I did the nornal 5 minute cool down walk and my normal stretches when I got home. So far, so normal.

When I went to walk the dog about an hour later I felt a slight niggle in my achilles, but thought nothing of it and carried on. By the time I'd finished walking the dog I realised the niggle had got worse and I was beginning to limp. No worries thought I, a couple of days rest and I'll be as right as ninepence. How wrong could I be? It's now the sixth day since I picked up the problem and despite using the RICE method, taking it easy, and using an ankle support, I can still feel it twingeing away when I try and walk normally. Ibuprofen and deep freeze are now a daily ritual, and every day when I wake I'm praying things will have improved.

Sorry for the negative post but I'm beginning to despair about when I'll be able to run again. Any advice/encouragement from others who have had similar problems would be appreciated.

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yonda1960 profile image
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15 Replies
spoonierunning profile image

Have you thought about trying kinesiology tape rather than a traditional support? I find it better for me and even helps my hyperextending knees. There is loads of info on the web and a good website with application instructions for various injuries is, there are also loads on YouTube. As for the actual tape the big brands are expensive but amazon is a good place to go - levotape or 3ns tex tape

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to spoonierunning

Thanks, I've seen this being used by footballers (I think) and have had a look on their website. Think I'll get some to give it a try - am I right in thinking I only need one colour?

spoonierunning profile image
spoonierunningGraduate in reply to yonda1960

Yes you only need one colour - the different colours are for fun they don't have any different properties

If you are still experiencing pain, you should see a doctor. It could be a simple sprain (I've got a sprained ankle which is taking time to heal) but no harm in getting it checked out in case it is something more sinister. The concern is you are still in a lot of pain, which points to something more serious

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to

Hi tanyag163, I'd feel a bit of fraud calling this pain, it's more discomfort really, but stops me running all the same. If it doesn't ease up soon though I'll definitely take your advice, although I know I'll probably have to wait 3 or 4 weeks for an appointment.

misswobble profile image

Me and Rockette had that! Mine was caused by running up a very steep hump! Mine took 4 weeks but Rockette's took about 9 I think (she'll correct me if I'm wrong)

My was agony straight away so I knew I'd tweaked something. It kept swelling up and then going down. It was ok though with all the treatment that you are doing. I didn't go to the doc.

R's was a longer job and involved docs and physio, but you might be luckier

Keep on with the ice and elevation, and the Ibufren helps with the swelling too. I kept my foot up on a pillow every night and did the ice thing before sleeping

You will run again but you just have to let it heal. Let us know how you get on

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to misswobble

Thanks misswobble, it's comforting to know it might just need the TLC I'm giving it. I must admit it's feeling a bit better today so I must be doing something right.

My unwritten rule with injury is no running for at least two days after it's been pain free.

Hopefully I'll be back out there soon.

Rockette profile image
Rockette in reply to misswobble

Yes it was 9 wks Misswobble , thing is there are a lot of tendons in the foot , I still don't know what tendon it was for sure , just that doc didn't have a clue , kept saying it was sprained , but when I got to physio he said it was inflamed tendon caused by repetive movement , & he didn't think it was anything too serious . It still took 9 long wks for it to heal & caused me a lot of grief I can tell you , but I did all the stretches physio advised & it's totally healed now & I'm back running . Hope yours isn't as long yonda just rest it and stretch there's stuff on internet , but if it persist get some physio

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to Rockette

Thanks for the tips on stretching. It's been a bit easier today so if it improves some more tomorrow I might give those a try.

misswobble profile image

Trouble is they stiffen up so when you can do some ankle exercises. I think there are some on the parent site to this one; the NHS Livewell site. Maybe something on Couch site too, as it's a common injury.

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to misswobble

I'll give those a look and will try some as soon as I'm able (maybe tomorrow if things improve a bit more).

Moosetgoose profile image

I did exactly the same 2 weeks ago, just managed a light jog last night.

did no running and no gym classes for the 2 weeks, rested but walked when I could for exercise.

good luck and hope youre better soon x

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to Moosetgoose

Thanks for the good wishes, and glad to hear yours cleared up in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll be back out there soon with the rest of you.

Spanner67 profile image

Hi there! Exactly the same has happened to me at about the same time - I graduated 3 April, ran on 5 April and had to stop after 25 mins - outer ankle was really painful! Haven't run since but am making progress. However, the nurse at out local minor injuries unit didn't know what the problem was but still told me, rather patronisingly, that I'm too old to run (46!). Feeling very depressed after that, my lovely husband booked an appt at a local sports Physio for me - have been twice now and lots of progress. He knows I'm doing a Race for Life on 18 May and is teaching me all the strengthening and stretching techniques and says I WILL be doing RFL! Also advised me to go on my cross trainer and on my road bike now the pain is allowing. And ICE, ICE, ICE!! Sorry for the rambling reply, but I know just how frustrated you feel when you've discovered something you really like doing, even if it is hard! Be patient and I am sure you and me both will be back out there! Good luck! X

yonda1960 profile image
yonda1960Graduate in reply to Spanner67

Good to hear about your progress since getting injured. I'm pleased to report that mine is feeling a bit better today. Not good enough to run yet, but definitely on the mend :-)

I've started to do some calf stretches and ankle dips on stairs, both without feeling any ill effect. Will keep that up for a few days and see how it goes.

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