Left the hotel in Grantown at 6.45am and headed out to the forest trails at the back. No trees at home so totally different running in the woods on tracks with a light covering of pine needles. Took the track up to the top of the hill to the high point above the river Spey so that bit was done first then headed down. Could just hear the river above the music. It was wonderful. Came back to hotel for a full Scottish breakfast!! Going to rest for a few days and then start in the middle of the week again. Signed up for a 5k on the 11th so hopefully beat PB of 40 minutes. Thank you so much Laura and everyone on this forum for the support. Going to look at 5k + stuff but will ditch the IPod as I would rather listen to the birds, the river and the sea at home.
To anyone starting out - keep going - it's great.