Run for Mum Quest week 6: Welcome to the Run for... - Couch to 5K

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Run for Mum Quest week 6

Realfoodieclub profile image
23 Replies

Welcome to the Run for Mum Quest week 6

Please feel free to join.

All you have to do is reply to this post and ask for your name to be added.

Well here we are at the final of this quest. There will be a new one starting next week.

The next quest will be called the Spring into Summer run. So get your thinking caps on for what you would like to achieve for those six weeks.

As usual I will put a post up on Friday so we can all say how we have been doing and if I could ask you to log your longest run by Monday morning. So I can log the virtual run.

It has been brought to my attention that at the moment on the forum there are quiet a few similar user names, I have been caught out a few times thinking it was someone else.

Also I now we have had a glitchy weekend on the forum so I am hoping that it's all sorted now.


































Good luck and happy running.

Rfc x

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Realfoodieclub profile image
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23 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well this week feels a lot more positive than last week did. The triathlon taster/training day was brilliant. Found out lots about the rules and regulations and how to do transistion. We also had almost one to one coaching from some lovely ladies from Speedo. The lady that took us for the bike and run section was really nice. She had us all in stiches at times and kept saying how important that it was to have fun. Today marked the first day of my proper training. It's going to feel a little wierd as every other week as I only run twice. I have got so much into the habit of running three times a week., but my bike work needs a lot of attention. I managed my hill on Saturday but my legs have felt it a bit since. Anyway I know the courses now so I can train there. Happy running to everyone.

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

That sounds really encouraging RFC. No looking back now. I'm glad it was better than expected. It's funny how we worry but things aren't usually as bad as we expect. Good luck with the training.

Fitfor60 profile image

I think the lady who took you for bike work summed it all up ---'' it's important to have fun. '' sometimes I know we all overthink things and lose sight of fun factor Therefore I command all questers to have fun this last week in memories of our mums ( or whoever else we running for ) You just sound so much happier this week rfc So glad for you

I was a right moaning minny last week so apologies and thanks to all who sent support and encouragement It's funny how offloading can help make us feeling better I would like to say back on track with healthy eating but.... Still eating too much and just can't get balance right . However I am not so down about it all and will get it sorted out . Had an amazing run this morning Longest ever 7 yes 7 miles ! Brilliant sunshine fabulous views and took 1hr 39 min it included 2 hills so delighted

Hope you all have great last week of this quest

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

7 miles! Wow! Hills! Congratulations!

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to waletta

Thanks Walleta Sugned up for 1st real race in may. 5k in edinburgh marathon weekend . So been practising the route The 1st mile is up steep steep hill but then flat and downhill So swings and roundabouts re times

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

I think you are so brave. I haven't even done a park run yet & still find hills (inclines in my case) a real struggle & you are going to play in the park-sorry couldn't resist. Good luck with the run.

RubySlippers profile image

Two lovely posts. It's good to hear the triathlon taster went well RFC and you got a lot from it. Fit for 60 your epic run sounds fantastic, well done.

I've had a great week and am pleased I've met my targets.

Wishing all a happy sunny week for the quest.

runningnearbeirut profile image

Another successful week in that I ran 3 times. Just as I got to the end of the speed intervals, a lady started asking me something, but as I wasn't expecting to start talking to someone and was enjoying listening to Laura congratulate me on a brilliant run (little did she know, but actually it did feel pretty good) I wasn't really tuned in to Arabic. On her 2nd attempt at an interrogation, I decided the lady wanted to know something about why I ran up and down outside her house so often. Instead of a literal answer (it's the only flat bit of road round here), I plumped for "I like doing sport to be healthy". It seemed to satisfy her, but I think she still thinks I'm a batty foreigner.

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to runningnearbeirut

Me thinks this lady is right maybe.

notbad profile image

Glad to read everyone's good news, love Fitfor60's suggestion of having fun in memory/honour of whoever we are running for. Did my 10k this morning, the sun was shining, the wind had dropped, trotting happily along, mind gremlins gone. Yay! :-)

waletta profile image

Well another 2 week run. Work scuppered Thursday & Friday but at the beginning of the week I managed 5.96K & was thrilled. Wished I'd kept going a little longer now but OH came with me (he was walking whilst I was running rings around him- nothing new there) & I could see his little face giving up the will to live. Now as for having fun the second run still has me chuckling. Two dogs came out of there garden to bark at me & then decided to give chase. I am petrified of dogs. (where's the OH when you need him? ) I remembered Kiwihelen's instructions & no I didn't wrestle them to the ground. I turned around & made out I was bigger & badder than both of them & roared. (it supposed to be a growl but I surprised even myself.) The one ran off with it's tail between it's legs but the other decided to bark a bit more. One more roar & he scarpered too. Confession - I was still too scared to double back & pass their house again, which had been my plan & had to shorten my run but I'm still smiling.

christian1 profile image
christian1Graduate in reply to waletta

Wow, way to go waletta. I have often felt like doing this but never had the nerve. :-)

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to christian1

I'm not sure about nerve. I kept running after each roar but they didn't seem to take that into account.

christian1 profile image

I did my 3 runs this week - along the cliff top while we were on holiday. Brownie points to me! But I envy those folk who live at the coast and can do this sort of run often, instead of battling with traffic or having to hop in the car and go somewhere a bit more traffic free.

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to christian1

That sounds really great. Definite Brownie points- 3 runs whilst on holiday. We live about 20 minutes car ride from the coast but it's not cliffs & the like & I've never run there yet.

Fitfor60 profile image

That is so funny waletta I just laughed out loud thinking about you roaring like a lion . I don't think I could have been so brave . I am not frightened of dogs but not a lover - more a cat person Get bit nervous when they come up running to me and get annoyed when their owners just don't seem to bother and presume everyone is happy to have their dogs jumping up at them Bet you didn't expect to become animal impersonator when you started c25k What exciting lives we runners lead

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

No I didn't expect it & I can't say how grateful I am to Kiwihelen, though I didn't expect to ever use the advice because I'm a huge baby when it comes to dogs.

Legion profile image

Running didn't quite go as planned last week but I managed to squeeze my runs in by doing two on Sunday, one of which got me a new PB for a mile. :-) I like the sound of 'spring into summer'. I'm going to be doing the challenge, which I hope will improve my fitness and get me cycling, so I will also need to rethink my running goals. Having now run a sub-11 minute mile for the first time (10:28 to be precise, and hard work!) I will be working towards trying to sustain that pace for a full 5K.

I plan to run on Tuesday and Thursday this week, with a 'special' (as yet unidetified) run on Mothering Sunday to mark the end of this challenge and the start of the next. :-)

GoogleMe profile image

I'm not sure where I am up to in reporting my progress. Only one run last week but it was such a good one. Not as amazing as the GPS thought (walking on water and faster than Mo Farrah) but I worked out it was 6.4k. Very satisfying as I really felt I was going somewhere (running as transport as someone else mentioned recently) and it is an interesting run through history and nature (and includes a tunnel where you can't see your feet) Rained all the time so I was quite wet when I got back to the car. I am hoping to achieve that 7k goal this week.

Hennith profile image

After having taken all of February off as there was nowhere dry left to run, I have been running twice a week again since March 1. Still working in sensible increases towards a comfortable 4k before stepping it up to 5k. Must be doing something right because, as well as going slightly further on every run, I am going slightly faster too. So motivating! Really enjoying my runs at the moment - and what a difference the sunshine and blue skies make! Great to see everyone else is having fun with their runs - keep it up!

Anniemurph profile image

I have to confess I've got myself in a bit of a muddle and I'm not sure if my last run was this last week or the week before. I haven't been out this week because things have been so busy - meant to go this morning but realised I had a physio appointment early and if I don't get out there early, it doesn't happen! Anyway, last time I was out I managed a 4k, which felt quite respectable, although of course I am feeling guilty about not running more often. Isn't it odd how we can find it quite easy to beat our selves up rather than congratulate ourselves about doing something? :D

lizziebeth57 profile image

I have had a week of firsts. Fair chuffed with my first 7k, went half a k longer than planned because I couldn't convert miles on my garmin to km's accurately. nice surprise when i got home though. This will be my longest run though as I don't plan to extend that this week. Also, my first collision with a fellow runner! We both came round a blind corner and banged into each other. No-one hurt though as I was at the end of the 7k and going very slowly and he was going very quickly but was very small and light so lots of apologies and then we smiled and moved on. I will take corners more widely in future.

Am def going to have a fun run in memory of my mam. Think I'll do it on Sunday before I go to have lunch with my mother in law. Seems appropriate. Happy wishes to you all :)

Snorkmaiden profile image

Hello all

I have posted on the main forum but just wanted to update here.

I posted at the beginning of this quest, very enthusiastic and with two aims for the month - run every second day and complete a 5k charity run on Mothers' Day.

Well, I failed, and I succeeded. Within the first month of March I picked up an injury which meant I couldn't run for three weeks, so I ran hardly at all during March :( However, I am really glad to say that it is all better now and I did manage to run my 5k on Mothers' Day. So overall, I do feel like I had a successful month.

The main thing for me was the fact that being unable to run really highlighted the enjoyment that i get from doing it. I missed it! Which I guess shows that I am a runner now. Just looking forward to graduating now and consolidating my progress.

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