The end is in sight ... I have consistently run Mon, Wed, Fri through the programme so far, but have started Week 8 today (Tuesday). Managed to run for the whole time and started off really slowly, but around 10-20 mins, I was so tired! I remembered having read on here lots of times that it's often mind over matter, so I tried to convince myself that I could do it, but I had to slow down slower than I've run before. I felt so silly going that slow, I felt as though I was barely moving BUT this did seem to conserve some much needed energy and I did manage to run the full 28 minutes without stopping - so I reckon, as hard as it was, this is a success
Really looking forward (haha) to the next run, as I'm hoping it won't be quite as torturous as this one was! And am so motivated by the thought that I will graduate next week and I KNOW it's possible! Also trying to round up some friends to sign up for a Race for Life in May. Wondering if I should sign up for the 10k as a real challenge (even if I have to walk a part of it, which I suspect will be the case), or whether I should stick to 5k and use the next 2 months to really build on speed?? Looking forward to reading everyone else's 'success; posts from this week onwards
Week 8: The end is in sight ... :-) I have... - Couch to 5K
Week 8

I've been thinking about a 10k as well, although just the thought brings me out in cold sweats!
I'm at pretty much the same stage as you and feeling damn pleased aqbout my progress so far, and looking forwards to what comes after the holy grail of graduation.
Have you come across the other three podcasts speed, i think and stamina? I'm going to try those for a bit plus parkruns before I commit to anything major, as I'm nowhere near 5k in 30 yet. I know thats not the only point, but would like to get a it closer.
Well done on getting through today's run... spnds like it was a tough one but like you say - the next one will probably be comparatively easier! Rememer - its not simply about speed, its about being off the couch and enjoying it (!)
Yes, gnimia - you're right! I feel good for getting up and getting the run done And hopefully the next run won't be so bad! And if it is, well, I'm still taking steps in the right direction to being healthier!!!
I have seen the other podcasts, so could give them a whirl. I think I need to get straight into something as I'll miss the structure of this programme. So something else to challenge me and my fitness would be good!!
Keep up the good work!!

Oh I would definitely say a success! Well done, its tough doing 28 minutes. I have my graduation run due tomorrow and then I will work on speed a bit after that. I am very slow, it takes me 45 minutes to get to 5k, including the 5 minute walks but hey at least we are out there, we are moving and we can build on that and most of all enjoy it. Keep posting and enjoy your running x

Eeeek! Nearly there! Well done on combatting W8R1 - I struggled with that one on Monday. Keep going - nearly there! Look forward to seeing your graduate badge

Well done for getting this far. Once you've completed this programme and done your Race for Life, I think then you can decide if you want to enter a 10k race. You may want to just enjoy the next few months. They often say that people get more injuries once they have completed the Couch to 5k, so that may be because we are too keen to do too much, too soon. Good luck with the next few weeks, you are nearly there.

Well done on completing week 8. I've just come back from third run of week8 as well and have found them extremely hard, have to stop briefly for a breather but am determined to graduate. I have thought about doing a park run after graduating and then I think I'd be quite happy just running round our local abbey field (20mins) twice a week. Still find it hard that at beginning of 2014 I couldn't run at all. Well done to all fellow soon to be graduates.