As most of you know I suffered a injury of my tendon in my ankle 6 wks ago . Now there is improvement in that it's not as swollen & painfull & I can walk without a limp . But I can't walk at my useuall pace & it feels quite stiff , also my other ankle does too now ! . I'm seeing a n.h. s physio will be having my 3rd visit in two wk , but what I want to know is would you ditch the n.h.s one & go to a private sports one ? Don't want to disrespect the one I'm with now , because he as helped but it's such a slow process & I have heard a lot swear by these private ones , what do you all think , would it be worthwhile ? As I cannot wait to get back running
Advice please .: As most of you know I suffered... - Couch to 5K
Advice please .

I'm guessing that you had quite a long wait for your NHS Physio to begin with so hang on in there. A serious injury like you have sustained will take time. I'm not saying all Physio's prices are the same but I know I'm £35 per visit and most injuries take about 4 visits upwards to sort so its not easy on the wallet.

Rockette I really feel for you. I would bite the bullet and pay for a private physio. Get a recommendation. You seem to have had this injury for an awful long time.

Achilles injuries do take a long time to get over, about 8 weeks before you can start to run again in my partner's case, so don't rush it. Look after yourself and take it easy. I would go to a private physio, too, as they will give you specific advice for your recovery. Good luck!
Thanks for your replys , to be honest when I went first time he said he didn't know it it was my tendons or this small sack that is near the tendons , then he said it was tendonitus & thurs he said it was my Achilles ! I really don't know what the hell it is to be honest , I just know it's doing my head in .

It sounds like you've list confidence in them?
I got in to a private physio on the day of calling them. It wasn't cheap - £54 for the first appointment, and £45 for follow ups (though I didn't need one). They were fantastic, though having never been to an NHS one I can't compare them.
In all, I was probably treated for about 40 minutes - initial consultation, followed by a 15 minute massage of the area, a machine which buzzed and apparently sped up recovery, followed by a debrief. They did wonders, the pain pretty much went for three days.
If the cost is OK, why not try it for a second opinion and make a decision afterwards?

Hi Rockette, I think we've spoken on the Facebook group. The physio I saw (I posted the link) charges £20 for half an hour. She's a sports specialist and has certainly given my weary legs a new lease of life.
Whatever you decide to do, I really hope your injury clears up soon for you - I know how frustrated you are.

Hi Rockette Sounds like you need 2nd opinion if only to give you piece of mind to know exactly what's wrong with ankle and how they are going to treat it Hope things get better for you soon

Don't forget that you did a lot of walking when you were away & the lack of rest may have prolonged problem. I can't imagine how frustrated you must be. I was off 6 wks with mine but at least I could see progress. Hope you see improvement soon.
Hi Waletta . I've improved it's definitely a lot better , but still not right , I've made my mind up & I'm going to go to see a sports physio for second opinion . Thanks for your reply .