This issue first cropped up just before W5R3. I've been aware of it but with it not being that bad, have been continuing running with a bit bigger gaps in between hoping it would go but it's got to the point when I can't attempt my W6R3 tonight as planned. I went on a 40 minute dog walk last night and when I got back I was limping a bit so enough is enough.
Thing is, I don't really know what it is. It's twingey as opposed to achey etc - I can't induce pain by putting my ankle/leg in any certain position. It feels a bit like a mild sprain but I can't think of a time I've gone over on it. Running seems to aggravate, and now, so does minimal walking.
Another thing: the pain isn't just in my ankle, sometimes my ankle is fine but my knee is a bit twingey and also my calf. This makes me wonder if its something to do with my calf muscle being too tight and pulling my left joints out of line or that even a thing?! Could it be ligaments in my ankle being too weak or something?
So to summarise, twingey pain in calf/leg/knee not all at the same time and never all at once....